Sneyra is a music bot (yeah, another bot in this world) built on top of Klasa, and uses Discord.js to connect to the Discord API.
- All basic music bot commands, included skip prompting (based on the 40% of users connected to the voice channel, after 4 users).
- An echo command, because, why not?
- Clean code, easy to modify. Fully modular and classbased.
- Full Music Handler interface and caching, make sure she replies 'smartly'!
command line (Windows|Linux|MacOS) installednode
Version 8.1.0 or higherffmpeg
:npm install --global ffmpeg-binaries
:npm install node-opus
(alternatively you can use opusscript, but it's very bad for production, has memoryleaks and stream/quality issues).- A good network connection.
In a command prompt in your projects folder (wherever that may be) run the following:
git clone
Once finished:
- In the folder from where you ran the git command, run
cd Sneyra
and then runnpm install
- Rename
- Edit
and enter your bot token and the YouTube Search API token.