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Merge pull request #52 from YubicoLabs/high-assurance #14

Merge pull request #52 from YubicoLabs/high-assurance

Merge pull request #52 from YubicoLabs/high-assurance #14

name: Yubico Security - Static Analysis
branches: [ main ]

Check failure on line 8 in .github/workflows/yubico_security-static_analysis.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Yubico Security - Static Analysis

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/yubico_security-static_analysis.yml (Line: 8, Col: 5): Error calling workflow 'Yubico/.github/.github/workflows/yubico_security-static_analysis.yml@main'. The nested job 'snyk' is requesting 'actions: read, security-events: write', but is only allowed 'actions: none, security-events: none'.
name: "Yubico Security - Static Analysis"
uses: Yubico/.github/.github/workflows/yubico_security-static_analysis.yml@main
snyk-enabled: true
# Not all langauges need to be specified. Currently, this only has an affect if you use Go
# The rest of the langauges supported by Snyk have tooling installed on the action runner by defualt (or no one at Yubico uses them)
# Reference the source workflow and/or
snyk-languages: '["javascript", "java"]' # Not including Swift since that requires the use of cocoapods or Swift Package Manager
# This assumes that you have a repository variable with the Snyk org id/slug
# Reference:
snyk-org-id-or-slug: ${{ vars.SNYK_ORG_ID }}
# This assumes that you have a repository secret set with the token
# Reference:
snyk-token: ${{ secrets.SNYK_TOKEN }}