A fast date range picker calendar used as a modal.
Some of its features are as follows:
-It has filter button in the header,by clicking any of the filter it will select the
dates automatically and scroll down to that particular view.
-You can restrict the dates and remove the filter.
-It preserve its previous selected state.
I have tested the functionality in different IOS and Android devices as well as older
and low specs devices like Samsung Galaxy S5 and IPhone 5S and found no performance issues on those devices.
You can further optimize it by displaying only above the fold content and lazy loading the rest of the content on scroll.
For more info on how to add android and ios platform please visit official ionic docs site. https://ionicframework.com/docs/installation/cli
for demo head over to : https://zafarali110.github.io/ionic4-angular8-date-range-picker-calendar/home
Make sure you have node js install in your computer, headover to https://nodejs.org/en/ and install node.
Go to your command line and install ionic globally by runing the following command npm install -g ionic
Go to project directory and run npm install or yarn install in case if your are using yarn.
Inside project directory run command ionic serve. This will start the development server and open the application in your browser.