Best weather app there is for android!
- Light & Darktheme
- Fahrenheit/Celsius
- M/s or mpg
- mm or inches
Supports 3 different languages
- English
- Finnish
- Swedish
Awesome weatherapp project for android made with power of jetpack compose!
- Kotlin - Main programming language.
- Jetpack Compose: For building the UI.
- Glance: For creating the app widget.
- Google Maps API: For location selection.
- Ktor - For handling data models
- Kotlinx Serialization - to serialize data
- Timber - to log data
- MPAndroidChart: For creating charts.
To setup the project do the following steps:
Clone the repository
git clone
Open project in android studio
Add google maps api key to .env
Build the project
./gradlew build
You can run the project on android by pressing run button on android studio. You can also build releasa/debug versions of the app with commands:
./gradlew bundleRelease ./gradlew bundleDebug
Website :
To build the documentation run:
./gradlew dokkaHtml
It will generate html documentation to build/dokka/html directory
Noa Tuiskula - [email protected]