this app build up to make help each other in the community, the first vertion is only managing an open and active Gemach which you can to open the fundetion and adding to it an items for each, and display data like who is the lest person that used the item, the day time this person must bring back the item to the gemach and such etc.
please reffer to the documents for more details; I will update every new featur that we build.
run the foolowing commands for modules: run npm for adding navigation: npm install --save react-navigation
run npm for modalbox support: npm install react-native-modalbox@latest --save
run yarn for adding option to pick some photo using camera or pick from library yarn add react-native-image-picker or sudo yarn add react-native-image-picker
link the image picker with our project: react-native link react-native-image-picker
adding permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file: '''
''' need to change the modalbox style view and the card commponent
npm install --save react-native-modal-datetime-picker
I am at the hospital,
good with a baby I proud= check