Welcome to the final project for Ruby - The Odin Project - Chess Game! This project allows you to play a classic game of chess with a friend. Below is a guide on how to play and additional information about the game.
To make a move, input the coordinates of the piece you want to move and its destination. For example, to move a piece from "e2" to "e4," type "e2, e4."
Type the following special commands:
- 's' to save the game.
- 'l' to load a saved game.
- 'r' to resign and end the game.
- 'q' to exit the game.
If you're unsure about available moves for a piece, type the piece's coordinates followed by "?" (e.g., "e2?") to see the valid moves.
Ensure the following for valid moves:
- Moves are within the board boundaries.
- There is a piece at the specified starting square.
- Follow color restrictions (white moves first).
This Chess Game project represents the final milestone in The Odin Project. While the project is complete, i might consider additional enhancements in the future:
- Integration of an AI player for solo gameplay.
- Code refactoring for improved structure and readability.