Proxy for GitHub Actions' workflow_dispatch
event to allow authenticated
This can be used to call a workflow dispatch from a GitHub Actions workflow.
It's based on the OIDC Connect implementation of GitHub Actions and uses the provided ID token to authenticate the request.
The proxy is distributed as a Docker Image on GitHub Container Registry and Docker Hub:
docker run -d \
--name gwdp \
-p 8080:8080 \
NOTE: Development builds are only available on GitHub Container Registry.
The proxy is configured via environment variables. The following environment variables are supported:
Name | Description | Default | Note |
Port to listen on. | 8080 |
Base path fo the proxy. | / |
Policy to use, either builtin , opa-wasm or cel . |
builtin |
Type of the builtin policy to use, either allow_all or allow_org_wide . |
allow_all |
Config to pass to the policy evaluation. Format: key=value;key=value |
Path to the opa-wasm policy (.wasm file). | Only available if APP_POLICY is set to opa-wasm . |
Express when using CEL. | Only available if APP_POLICY is set to cel . |
Type of the GitHub authentication to use, either app or token . |
Required | |
ID of the GitHub App to use for authentication. (Only for app auth type.) |
Required if APP_GH_AUTH_TYPE is app . |
Private key of the GitHub App to use for authentication. (Only for app auth type.) |
Required if APP_GH_AUTH_TYPE is app . |
Token to use for authentication. (Only for token auth type.) |
Required if APP_GH_AUTH_TYPE is token . |
Policies are used to determine whether a request is allowed or not.
This is implemented using cross-policy. As of right now, the opa-wasm target and cel target is supported.
This policy allows all requests.
This policy allows all requests from within the configured organization.
It requires the organization
configuration to be set on the
environment variable.
OPA WASM can be used by setting the APP_POLICY
environment variable
to opa-wasm
and providing the path to the policy file via APP_POLICY_PATH
The policy file must be a valid WebAssembly file built with
Open Policy Agent (OPA).
To get started, you can use the OPA Playground to write your policy using Rego. Also, see the source code of the built-in policies for examples.
This script can be used to build the policy file. It can be placed in the folder with many .rego files, and it will build a .wasm file in the same folder for each .rego file.
CEL can be used by setting the APP_POLICY
environment variable
to cel
and providing the expression via APP_POLICY_EXPRESSION
CEL is a language for expressing policies in a way that is straightforward to understand and write. It is used by Google in many of its services.
See the @cross-policy/target-cel package for further details and possible limitations.
This example configuration allows only requests from the owner abinnovision
APP_POLICY_EXPRESSION='caller.owner == "abinnovision"'
The input schema for the policy is defined as follows:
// Can be empty if not provided.
config: {
key: "value",
target: {
owner: "owner",
repository: "repository",
ref: "ref",
workflow: "workflow",
// Can be empty if none are required.
inputs: {
key: "value",
caller: {
owner: "owner",
repository: "repository",
ref: "ref",
workflow: "workflow",
The main idea of this proxy is to allow GitHub Actions to call a workflow dispatch from a workflow by using policy evaluation. That's why the proxy should easily be integrated into a GitHub Actions workflow.
The proxy can easily be used by using curl. First, you'd need to fetch the ID token from the GitHub Actions API. Then, you can use curl to send the workflow dispatch request to the proxy.
name: Dispatch workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Dispatch workflow
run: |
ID_TOKEN_RESPONSE=$(curl -H "Authorization: bearer $ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN" "$ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL&audience=github-workflow-dispatch-proxy")
ID_TOKEN=$(echo $ID_TOKEN_RESPONSE | jq -r ".value")
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
--data '{"target":{"owner":"abinnovision","repo":"github-workflow-dispatch-proxy","ref":"master","workflow":"test.yaml"},"inputs":{}}' \
This example uses the abinnovision/actions@run-workflow-dispatch action to run the workflow dispatch.
name: Dispatch workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Dispatch workflow
uses: abinnovision/actions@run-workflow-dispatch-v1
proxy: https://<endpoint> # The base URL of the proxy without a trailing slash.
target: owner/repo # or just repo
workflow: update.yaml # The workflow to dispatch.
workflow-ref: master # Optional, defaults to "master".
# Optional inputs for the workflow. Must be a valid JSON string.
workflow-inputs: |
{"key": "value"}
This project is based on a Node.js stack with TypeScript. It uses Yarn as the package manager. Also, asdf is used to manage the Node.js version.