1D (univariate) continous ( smooth) color gradients ( colormaps) implemented in c and gnuplot for:
- real type data normalized to [0,1] range ( univariate map)
- integer ( or unsigned char) data normalized to [0.255] range
and how to manipulate them ( invert, join, turned into a cyclic or wrapped color gradient )
- Introduction
- Gradient manipulations
- Examples of continous colour maps/gradients
- gradient forms
- features of colormaps ( gradients)
- taxonomy of color gradients
- gradient goals
- gradeint metrics
- gradient applications
- Dictionary
- colorwheel
- Links
- to do
- program files
- similar projects
Why Should Engineers and Scientists Be Worried About Color? by Rogowitz & Treinish 1996
What should and what should not do colormap/gradient in scientific visualisation?
- should highlight features of the data
- should not highlight features that are not in the data but only in the gradient itself = avoid distorting the data
- "Many colour maps provided by vendors have highly uneven perceptual contrast over their range. Colour maps may have points of locally high colour contrast leading to the perception of false anomalies in your data when there is none. Conversely colour maps may also have 'flat spots' of low perceptual contrast that prevent you from seeing features in the data." Peter Kovesi
- "... obfuscate the data with artifacts that are not in the data and hide important features that are in the data" Kenneth Moreland
- prevent significant visual errors, which would otherwise visually distort the underlying data and mislead the reader
Gradient function:
- monotone (non periodic)
- non monotone
- diverging = 2 segments of gradients with monotone lightness. Sometimes also called ratio, bipolar, or double-ended color maps. "A natural usage of this map is the display of some property that has a neutral value and some regions with both “lower” and “higher” values. "
- periodic (wave)
- continous ( gives tubes , 3d effect): gradient function can be inverted and joined ( both inverted and not inverted part create one wave), repeat it
- discontinous with jump - step function , ( gives steps): gradient function can be joined without inversion( 2 non inverted parts are joined, each part is one wave), repeat it
double ModifyPosition(const double position, const GradientJoiningType GradientJoining){
// input position should be in [0,1] range
double p = position; // p = local copy of position
// if position > 1 then we have repetition of colors = periodic function = wave
case no : {break;} // return input position witout modifications
// periodic waves with different joinings
case steps : { p = p * segments; // periodic = change range
p = frac(p);
case tubes : { p = p * segments; // periodic = change range
int ip = (int)p;
p = p-ip; // fractional part
if (ip % 2) {p = 1.0-p;} // reverse gradient
return p; // output in [0,1] range
- highliths the boundaries of level sets
Example videos by Maths Town:
- Steps to Infinity - Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom (2e1289) - with "'''angle'''" shading for a psuedo-3D effect
- Ship of Spirals - Burning Ship Fractal Zoom
Examples by hue:
Multihue = rainbows
- non monotone lightness
- Rainbow
- Linas and Linas2
- Linas2
- RainbowHSP
- RainbowFractalizer
- OrangeBlueFractalizer
- Fractint default
- monotone lightness - perceptually uniform
- Magma -
- Cubehelix
- diverging ( 2 segments of gradients with monotone lightness)
- non monotone lightness
NoHue = Gray
- Linear
- sin
- LSin
- SinExp
- GraySine ( similar to SmoothStep = 25 and SmoothSteps= 26 )
- NL2 = quadratic
- Cubic = NL3
- CubicInv
- Sqrt
- Gamma
- Tanh
single hue
- Green - monotne lightness
// d.c
// multihue
case RainbowHSV: {GiveRGB_RainbowHSV(p, rgb); break;}
case Linas: {GiveRGB_Linas(p, rgb); break;}
case Linas2: {GiveRGB_Linas2(p, rgb); break;}
case RainbowFractalizer:{GiveRGB_RainbowFractalizer(p, rgb); break;} //
case OrangeBlueFractalizer: {GiveRGB_OrangeBlueFractalizer(p, rgb); break;}
case Magma: {GiveRGB_Magma(p, rgb); break;}
case Cubehelix: {GiveRGB_Cubehelix(p, rgb); break;}
case RainbowHSP: {GiveRGB_RainbowHSP(p, rgb); break;}
case HSP: {GiveRGB_HSP(p, rgb); break;}
// diverging
case CoolWarm: {GiveRGB_CoolWarm(p, rgb); break;}
// single hue
case GreenCubic: {GiveRGB_GreenCubic(p, rgb); break;}
case GreenCubicInv: {GiveRGB_GreenCubicInv(p, rgb); break;}
case GreenCubicRoot: {GiveRGB_GreenCubicRoot(p, rgb); break;}
case BlueCubicInv: {GiveRGB_BlueCubicInv(p, rgb); break;}
case RedCubicInv: {GiveRGB_RedCubicInv(p, rgb); break;}
case GreenSin: {GiveRGB_GreenSin(p, rgb); break;}
// no hue = gray, one function for all gray gradients
case Linear:
case Quadratic:
case Cubic:
case CubicInv:
case Sqrt:
case Root:
case Gamma:
case Sin:
case LSin:
case SinExp:
case Smooth:
Tanh : {GiveRGB_Gray(p, ColorTransferFunction, rgb); break;}
- "Probably the most (in)famous in data visualization"
- should not be used in scientific computing
- "One minor problem is that (true) rainbows end in violet, not red." – AnnanFay
Compare with gnuplot image
Features of rainbow gradient:
- non monotone ( see black curve) ,
- cyclic
- multi hue
- complex = consist of 6 monotone segments ( ramps). Graph of the lightness looks like saw with plain tooth pattern or triangle sawtooth wave
"cyclic colormap traversing HSV color space. The map is obtained by linearly varying the hue through all possible values while keeping constant maximum saturation and value."
set palette model HSV functions gray,1,1
or in C#
for(double i = 0; i < 1; i+=0.01)
ColorRGB c = HSL2RGB(i, 0.5, 0.5);
//do something with the color
Description by Laurence Gonsalves
It can be done directly in RGB space by a linear interpolation (in RGB) between each consecutive pair in this sequence:
- #ff0000 = red = rgb(255,0,0)
- #ffff00 = yellow = rgb (255,255,0)
- #00ff00 = green = rgb(0,255,0)
- #00ffff = cyan = rgb(0,255,255)
- #0000ff = blue = rgb(0,0,255)
- #ff00ff = magenta = rgb(255,0,255)
- #ff0000 = red = rgb (255,0,0)
Note that only one component changes for each interpolation, which simplifies things.
linear-gradient(to right, red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet);
or python:
def rainbow():
r, g, b = 255, 0, 0
for g in range(256):
yield r, g, b
for r in range(255, -1, -1):
yield r, g, b
for b in range(256):
yield r, g, b
for g in range(255, -1, -1):
yield r, g, b
for r in range(256):
yield r, g, b
for b in range(255, -1, -1):
yield r, g, b
- GiveRainbowColor from p.c file
- ComputeAndPrintColor from h.c file which uses gnuplot function HSV_2_RGB from file src/getcolor.c
- hcl rainbow
- perceptual-rainbow by Matteo Niccoli
- A Less-Angry Rainbow by Mike Bostock
- isoluminant rainbow
- Rainbow (perceptually linearized) ColorRGB SCALE by Steve Pizer
- rainbow is used as a name of the multihue gradient family
var spaces = [
name: "Rainbow (HSL)",
color: function(t) {
return d3.hsl(t * 360, 1, .5);
name: "Rainbow (HCL)",
color: function(t) {
return d3.hcl(t * 360, 100, 55);
name: "Rainbow (Cubehelix)",
color: d3.scale.cubehelix()
.domain([0, .5, 1])
d3.hsl(-100, 0.75, 0.35),
d3.hsl( 80, 1.50, 0.80),
d3.hsl( 260, 0.75, 0.35)
Your new colormap is different and ugly-ish. The line between red-and-yellow is much much worse than before. the red-yellow discontinuity is ... confusing, annoying. .. to me, at least. Linas
Features of Linas gradient:
- non monotone ( see black curve)
- complex = consist of 4 monotone segments
- the red-yellow discontinuity can be seen as a jump discontinuity of the green, red and black curve at gradient position 0.753333
0.743333 210 166 0
0.746667 210 166 0
0.750000 210 166 0
0.753333 210 166 0
0.756667 210 150 0
0.760000 210 150 0
0.763333 210 148 0
0.766667 211 146 0
0.770000 212 144 1
0.773333 213 142 1
0.776667 213 142 1
0.780000 213 140 1
so R jumps from 166 to 150
I have chaged it manually :
- only 5 points = 4 linear segments
- last point ( position) changed to 1.00000
0.000000 0 0 0
0.250000 0 0 177
0.500000 0 175 0
0.750000 210 156 0
1.000000 252 36 19
or in the 0-1 normalized 4 columns form:
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.250000 0.000000 0.000000 0.458823
0.500000 0.000000 0.686274 0.000000
0.750000 0.823529 0.611764 0.000000
1.000000 0.988235 0.141176 0.074509
which can be used by gnuplot command:
load "linas.pal"
and then check:
show palette gradient
0. gray=0.0000, (r,g,b)=(0.0000,0.0000,0.0000), #000000 = 0 0 0
1. gray=0.2500, (r,g,b)=(0.0000,0.0000,0.4588), #000075 = 0 0 117
2. gray=0.5000, (r,g,b)=(0.0000,0.6863,0.0000), #00af00 = 0 175 0
3. gray=0.7500, (r,g,b)=(0.8235,0.6118,0.0000), #d29c00 = 210 156 0
4. gray=1.0000, (r,g,b)=(0.9882,0.1412,0.0745), #fc2413 = 252 36 19
Now one can compute: 4 functions for each color channel ( 12 functions) using polysolve by P. Lutus. Result:
C code for Linas gradient:
Examples of use: Linas art gallery - my version of Linas programs with old gradient
c function = GiveMagmaColor from p.c file
lightness is monotone
It is rainbow gradient from the Fractalizer program.
It has 7 segments and black color
lightness is non monotone
c function = GiveRainbowFractalizer from d.c file
See also:
It is orange-blue gradient from the Fractalizer program.
- lightness is non monotone
- Looks like diverging gradient
- it has the same color on both ends
- It has 5 segments:
- black
- orange (255,80,0)
- yellow ( 255, 255,128) = Unmellow Yellow = canary
- white
- blue
- black
c function = GiveOrangeBlueFractalizer from d.c file
See also:
Linear function
c function:
Effect of joining gradients ( segments of the same gradient combined):
Example image with use of such gradient:
code and description is in the commons
only ascending wave ( f = 1/2)
Adam Sakareassen : "The colours simply fade from black to white in a cycle. This wave is generated with the sin function. This method is useful when blending layers to create light to dark contrasts."
c function = GiveRGB_Gray from d.c file
Similar to
- SmoothStep function by The Art of Code
- DarkLightWave (old name Black and White wave) from KFMovieMaker by Adam Sakareassen = 1/4 complete wave ie white to black
/* SmoothStep
it needs position in range [0.0, 1.0]
double d = (3.0 -2.0*position)* position*position;
Examples of use :
It is based on the The Colour Map Test Image by Peter Kovesi
c function = GiveGrayColorLSine from d.c file
Gray SinExp: effect of a sine(exp) wave
An exponential chirp waveform; a sinusoidal wave that increases in frequency exponentially over time
c function = GiveGrayColorLSineExp from d.c file
See als:
- Linear Sine Sweep
- Logarithmic Sine Sweep
- Inverse Logarithmic Filter Sweep
see also:
- Perception of visual information: the role of colour in seismic interpretation by Barbara Froner, Stephen J. Purves, James Lowell and Jonathan Henderson
- an exponential grayscale cmap by Matteo Niccoli
- sigmoid grayscale colormaps
- Junpei Sekino
Nonlinear gamma-corrected black and white palette
It is from gnuplot:
gamma = 2.2
color(gray) = gray**(1./gamma)
set palette model RGB functions color(gray), color(gray), color(gray) # A gamma-corrected black and white palette
Gradient can be inverted and joined, which converts "boring rectangle to into a stunning three dimensional glossy pipe":
More is here:
Features of the green colormap ( gradient):
- shows the order of the data ( thru brightness)
- highlight the boundary ( thru nonlinear green = 1.0 - position^3
// from green to black =
void GiveColorGreen(double position, double c[]){
double X = 1.0- (position*position*position);
// change range
c[0] = 0; //R
c[1] = X; // G
c[2] = 0; // B
Description by Kenneth Moreland
- blue-red diverging
- It is a diverging (double-ended) color map with a smooth transition in the middle to prevent artifacts at the midpoint
- old c funcion GiveColorCoolWarm from p.c
- diverging_map_gnuplot.pal - gnuplot palette file
Description by Kenneth Moreland
- This is a similar color map to the previous except that the luminance is interpolated linearly with a sharp bend in the middle. This makes for less washed out colors in the middle, but also creates an artifact at the midpoint.
- "I ... define it with only 3 colors. ... I made the middle point a little less bright (to avoid problems with colors at the edge of what can physically be displayed). ""
colour scheme developed by Dave Green:
- for the display of intensity images (which increases in percieved brightness, and prints as greyscale on black and white postscript devices
- with a linear increase or decrease in brightness and some variation in hue
the colour scheme spirals (as a squashed helix) around the diagonal of the RGB colour cube
See also:
- try out different
cubehelix' colour schemes below, and optionally produce a
look-up-table' file in several formats. - David Johnstone: cubehelix-gradient-picker
The GRID-Arendal Maps & Graphics Library is an on-going project to collect and catalogue all graphic products that have been prepared for publications and web-sites from the last 15 years in a wide range of themes related to environment and sustainable development
One can see here:
- it is diverging gradient. It is also non symetrical ( peak is nota at 0.5 )
- gradient info from cpt-city: −5000 … 4000, mixed, RGB, 110 segments
- jump discontinuity of blue and red curves
- curves are not smooth, probably because of numerical conversion from other format
- original gpf file from cpt-city - An archive of colour gradients by J.J. Green
- arctic.gpf - local copy
It seem that is a multi purpose gradient
It was made from default.map with gnuplot code:
set palette file "default.map" using ($1/255):($2/255):($3/255)
set terminal png
set output "fractint.png"
test palette
- image file names = ColorTransferFunction_GradientJoining[_2D].png wher optional part 2D means 2D profiles of color
- ColorTransferFunction takes input in [0,1] and gives output in [0,1] range
simple one file c programs which
- do not need any extra libraries
- can be run from console
- compiled with gcc
- multiplatform
How to compile and run is described in the comments of c files
All my images here are made with
- c console program with gradients made of functions
- Image Magic convert console program
- gnuplot scripts
to make all images go to src directory and:
c console programs:
- d.c - c program with similar to p.c but with output in range [0,1]
- s.c - c progrm for create enum from array of strings (lazy and naive method but works for me)
- p.c - c program with output in range [0,255]. It creates 2 files (*.ppm and *.txt) for each colormap ( explicit transfer function)
- h.c - c code for creating *.txt files with data. It converts hsv to rgb
- j.c - c program which creates gradient files in json format for colormeasure . It uses explicit transfer functions. Output is in [0,1] range
gnuplot programs
- plot.gp - gnuplot program which creates *.png fils from *.txt files
- plot2.gp - gnuplot code for 3d rgb profile
- cubehelix.gp - gnuplot code for 2d and 3d rgb profile of cubehelix color map
- plot3d.gp
python programs
- simplest_regression.py - python program by P. Lutus released under the GPL
make files
- Makefile : compiles d.c, run it and plot.gp
pal files ( files with gnuplot code, use load command )
- diverging_map_gnuplot.pal = blue-red diverging gradient
json files in src dir for colormeasure
- hsluv-color-gradient
- Wave form or shaping functions or 1D gray gradient
- Shaping functions in GLSL by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo & Jen Lowe
- curves by kynd.inf
- GraphToy by Iñigo Quilez = a tool to visualize GLSL functions in WebGL
- cmlib - color map library is a collection of color maps that have been converted to a uniform format ( csv+json)
- COLOR RAMP FORMULATOR in js by Michel Mariani (tonton-pixel )
- ColorRampGenerator - to make a color ramp out of the base color ( Sequential Discrete color gradient)
- colorcet - perceptually uniform colormaps for use with Python based on the set of perceptually uniform colormaps created by Peter Kovesi
- viscm - tool for analyzing colormaps and creating new colormaps
- CMasher - a collection of scientific colormaps and utility functions ( Python)
- bipolar-colormap - diverging
- gimp-color-palettes
- colormap-shaders
- pycolormap
- tinycolormap
- cppcolormap
- ColorMap - A flexible library to map numerical values to colors ( opacity and color)
- colorgrad
- SciColorMaps
- Easing Gradients: CSS gradients based on the easing functions
I'm not an expert in the color, so many errors can be here. If you will find them let me know: issues or wikibooks
Program uses code from:
- GNUPLOT - stdfn.h Copyright 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley
- Linas Vepstas
- gnuplotting.org
- public domain function by Darel Rex Finley, 2006
- python program by P. Lutus released under the GPL
Program uses idea from :
- fractalizer
- histogram equalisation and FF: histogram-colouring-is-really-streching-(not-true-histogram)/
Contributors are wellcome.
How to do it ( after darktable ) :
- Write a blog about it
- Create a tutorial for it
- Help expand the user wiki
- Answer questions on the user mailing list
- Share your ideas on the developer mailing list
- Test releases
- Review pull requests
- Start hacking on the program and see developer's guide
See also:
cd existing_folder
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main
git clone [email protected]:adammaj1/1D-RGB-color-gradient.git
mkdir images
git add *.png
git mv *.png ./images
git commit -m "move"
git push -u origin main
then link the images:

to overwrite
git mv -f
local repo : ~/1D-RGB-color-gradient