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fork from official helm/charts/openvpn . add privileged and ip_forward at initialization.

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Helm chart for OpenVPN

This chart will install an OpenVPN server inside a kubernetes cluster. New certificates are generated on install, and a script is provided to generate client keys as needed. The chart will automatically configure dns to use kube-dns and route all network traffic to kubernetes pods and services through the vpn. By connecting to this vpn a host is effectively inside a cluster's network.


The primary purpose of this chart was to make it easy to access kubernetes services during development. It could also be used for any service that only needs to be accessed through a vpn or as a standard vpn.


helm repo add stable
helm install stable/openvpn

Wait for the external load balancer IP to become available. Check service status via: kubectl get svc

Please be aware that certificate generation is variable and may take some time (minutes). Check pod status, replacing $HELM_RELEASE with the name of your release, via:

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "app=openvpn,release=$HELM_RELEASE" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
&& kubectl log "$POD_NAME" --follow

When all components of the openvpn chart have started use the following script to generate a client key:


if [ $# -ne 3 ]

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n "$NAMESPACE" -l "app=openvpn,release=$HELM_RELEASE" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
SERVICE_NAME=$(kubectl get svc -n "$NAMESPACE" -l "app=openvpn,release=$HELM_RELEASE" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n "$NAMESPACE" "$SERVICE_NAME" -o go-template='{{range $k, $v := (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0)}}{{$v}}{{end}}')
kubectl -n "$NAMESPACE" exec -it "$POD_NAME" /etc/openvpn/setup/ "$KEY_NAME" "$SERVICE_IP"
kubectl -n "$NAMESPACE" exec -it "$POD_NAME" cat "/etc/openvpn/certs/pki/$KEY_NAME.ovpn" > "$KEY_NAME.ovpn"

The entire list of helper scripts can be found on templates/config-openvpn.yaml

Be sure to change KEY_NAME if generating additional keys. Import the .ovpn file into your favorite openvpn tool like tunnelblick and verify connectivity.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the openvpn chart and their default values, and can be overwritten via the helm --set flag.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount amount of parallel openvpn replicas to be started 1
updateStrategy update strategy for deployment {}
image.repository openvpn image repository jfelten/openvpn-docker
image.tag openvpn image tag 1.1.0
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
service.type k8s service type exposing ports, e.g. NodePort LoadBalancer
service.externalPort TCP port reported when creating configuration files 443
service.internalPort TCP port on which the service works 443
service.nodePort NodePort value if service.type is NodePort nil (auto-assigned)
service.externalIPs External IPs to listen on []
resources.requests.cpu OpenVPN cpu request 300m
resources.requests.memory OpenVPN memory request 128Mi
resources.limits.cpu OpenVPN cpu limit 300m
resources.limits.memory OpenVPN memory limit 128Mi
persistence.enabled Use a PVC to persist configuration true
persistence.subPath Subdirectory of the volume to mount at nil
persistence.existingClaim Provide an existing PersistentVolumeClaim nil
persistence.storageClass Storage class of backing PVC nil
persistence.accessMode Use volume as ReadOnly or ReadWrite ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size of data volume 2M
podAnnotations Key-value pairs to add as pod annotations {}
openvpn.OVPN_NETWORK Network allocated for openvpn clients
openvpn.OVPN_SUBNET Network subnet allocated for openvpn
openvpn.OVPN_PROTO Protocol used by openvpn tcp or udp tcp
openvpn.OVPN_K8S_POD_NETWORK Kubernetes pod network (optional)
openvpn.OVPN_K8S_POD_SUBNET Kubernetes pod network subnet (optional)
openvpn.OVPN_K8S_SVC_NETWORK Kubernetes service network (optional) nil
openvpn.OVPN_K8S_SVC_SUBNET Kubernetes service network subnet (optional) nil
openvpn.dhcpOptionDomain Push a dhcp-option DOMAIN config true
openvpn.conf Arbitrary lines appended to the end of the server configuration file nil
openvpn.redirectGateway Redirect all client traffic through VPN true
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}

This chart has been engineered to use kube-dns and route all network traffic to kubernetes pods and services, to disable this behaviour set openvpn.OVPN_K8S_POD_NETWORK and openvpn.OVPN_K8S_POD_SUBNET to null.

If openvpn.OVPN_K8S_SVC_NETWORK and openvpn.OVPN_K8S_SVC_SUBNET are defined, an extra route for services subnet will be added.

Note: As configured the chart will create a route for a large network that may cause issues if that is your local network. If so tweak this value to something more restrictive. This route is added, because GKE generates pods with IPs in this range.


New certificates are generated with each deployment, if keystoreSecret is not defined. If persistence is enabled certificate data will be persisted across pod restarts. Otherwise new client certs will be needed after each deployment or pod restart.

Certificates can be passed in secret, which name is specified in openvpn.keystoreSecret value. Create secret as follows:

kubectl create secret generic openvpn-keystore-secret --from-file=./server.key --from-file=./ca.crt --from-file=./server.crt --from-file=./dh.pem

You can deploy temporary openvpn chart, create secret from generated certificates, and then re-deploy openvpn, providing the secret. Certificates can be found in openvpn pod in the following files:

/etc/openvpn/certs/pki/private/server.key /etc/openvpn/certs/pki/ca.crt /etc/openvpn/certs/pki/issued/server.crt /etc/openvpn/certs/pki/dh.pem


fork from official helm/charts/openvpn . add privileged and ip_forward at initialization.






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