Releases: adonisjs/logger
Releases · adonisjs/logger
Allow disabling timestamps or custom timestamp via a function
6.0.6 (2025-02-19)
Bug Fixes
- pass custom timestamp configuration to pino (7a13e7d)
What's Changed
- Allow custom timestamp configuration by @ignatevdev in #69
New Contributors
- @ignatevdev made their first contribution in #69
Full Changelog: v6.0.5...v6.0.6
Update Pino to version 9 and remove pino-pretty peer dependency
Full Changelog: v6.0.4...v6.0.5
Add pino-pretty as peer dependency
This release addresses missing dependencies needed for strict package managers like Yarn and pnpm.
We've also updated several development dependencies and automated the release process using GitHub Actions.
- fix: add missing peer dependency (3b051fc)
- ci: add release workflow (1656524)
- ci: update release script (26fd059)
- refactor: migrate to ts-node-maintained (81c3d36)
- chore(package): correct author & contributors field (3698e95)
Full Changelog: v6.0.3...v6.0.4
Fix falsy sprint value substitution
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v6.0.3
Bug fixes 🎉
- fix: do not define default level on targets created using targets helpers 5a4318a
- Merge pull request #64 from targos/fix-falsy-interpolation 8b3b576
- test: make pino version test more robust cc024e7
- fix: support falsy value in sprintf substitution 73b4bed
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v6.0.2
Support falsy value in sprintf substitution
Update dependencies
- chore: update dependencies 549a617
Full Changelog: v6.0.0...v6.0.1
Stable major release
Please look at the following release notes to know about the breaking changes.
- chore: publish under latest tag abb139f
- Merge pull request #63 from adonisjs/next 2f7fae0
- chore: enable sourcemaps when running tests 582d7b5
- chore: update dependencies 27f544f
- chore: update dependencies e7be788
What's Changed
- Merge to develop for final release by @thetutlage in #63
New Contributors
- @thetutlage made their first contribution in #63
Full Changelog: v4.1.5...v6.0.0
Upgrade pino
Full Changelog: v5.4.2-7...v5.4.2-8
Make targets config to inherit level from the logger level
- refactor: inherit transport level from the logger level 6154b5e
- chore: generate types using tsc db3269e
- chore: update dependencies 2ccbddb
Full Changelog: v5.4.2-6...v5.4.2-7