The ngmb
(Noisy Graph Matching Benchmark) package simplifies benchmarking GNNs on the graph alignement task (graph matching) with correlated pairs of graphs.
It is based on PyTorch and the default models are written using the Pytorch Geometric package.
Several functionalities are provided:
- Generating Graph Matching Datasets (from synthetic data or pre-existing datasets used by the GNN community).
- A set of pre-generated and fixed Graph Matching Datasets.
- A framework to benchmark different GNNs architecture against Graph Matching Datasets.
- Using GNNs trained on the benchmark datasets to generate high quality Graph Positional Encodings.
We provide several command line application to generate graph matching datasets:
- gm-generate-er : Generate Erdos-Renyi GM datasets.
- gm-generate-aqsol : Generate GM datasets based on the AQSOL dataset
- gm-generate-karateclub : Generate GM datasets based on the KarateClub Benchmark dataset.
- gm-generate-corafull : Generate GM datasets based on the CoraFull Benchmark dataset.
- gm-generate-ogbn-arxiv : Generate GM datasets based on the OGBN-Arxiv Benchmark dataset.
- gm-generate-pcqm4mv2 : Generate GM datasets based on the PCQM4Mv2 Benchmark dataset.
To know more about them run:
gm-generate-er --help
gm-generate-aqsol --help
gm-generate-karateclub --help
gm-generate-corafull --help
gm-generate-ogbn-arxiv --help
gm-generate-pcqm4mv2 --help
Once you have a dataset, you can print key statistics with gm-data-stats
Use the gm-train
command line tool to train a Siamese Graph Matching model. (run gm-train --help
for more information and see scripts/
for an example).
Use the API.
We use Rye to manage the python project. See the documentation for a complete guide.
curl -sSf | bash
echo 'source "$HOME/.rye/env"' >> ~/.profile # For Bash
echo 'source "$HOME/.rye/env"' >> ~/.zprofile # For ZSH
You may have to restart you shell.
git clone
cd ngmb
rye sync
rye list
You sould have a list of all the dependencies of the project.