Table of Contents
To start contributing in this repo you will first have to clone the repo and npm install a few things.
We have decided to create this project for numerous reasons. Firstly, implementing what we have learned in terms of languages and Technologies on a real life Application, that gave us the opportunity to discover different Flight Companies' Websites and add our input as well as create something of our own. The Competition in the Market was for sure very competitive thus creating something Unique was a must to ensure our survival and Market Presence. The Reason we have come up with this idea is that we felt that most of the available websites in the market don't satisfy all the needs of the Customers interms of (Prices,Flight Availability,comfortability ..etc )and there is a gap that we decided to Fill. Thats where we decided to step in !!.
Till now there aren't any reported issues from our Customers.However, We appreciate your opinion and any improvements you suggest on [email protected]
Our Coding Style was one of the Key Factors that made this project possible. We have used a Convention that we all agreed on to make the project scalable in the future
- Egyptian Style Curly Braces
- Small Line Length
- Indentation when inside a block to be able to differentiate the Code(Nesting Levels)
- CamelCase in Naming Functions and Variables
- Exception Handling Convention(Error Return Values)
We are all very pleased to announce Our Cactus Airlines System that gives a whole new experience in the World of travelling. No Need to stand in line to see flights availability and compare prices like in the Past. Now you are able to do all this from your space. Also, you will be able to Pay Online So No More Queueing. Moreover, in Case of any Emergencies you will be able to reschedule the flights booked with Zero to minimum charges. So we Could Say. Welcome aboard!
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install Server NPM packages -> cd Cactus/Server
npm install
- Install Client NPM packages -> cd Cactus/client
npm install
- Enter your PRIVATE variables in
PORT=8000 MONGOURI='mongodb+srv://example:[email protected]/YourDB?retryWrites=true&w=majority' STRIPE_SECRET_TEST=" sk_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" EMAIL_PASS='************' ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="your_secret_access_token"
5.In the Server Directory ,Type
node index
6.In Another Terminal Window .In the Client Directory,Type
npm start
The API References that helped Us alot in this project was the Nodejs Documentation (, React Documentation (,Axios Doucmentation( Documentation (
We have used up-to-date Testing Techniques to ensure that quality we give to our Customers is up to their expectations.Such as Jest and Super Test (For Automated Testing) and Postman for Testing APIs
The Website will be hosted and be made available on 1/1/2022 , with a 20% Discount on All Our Flights !!. You can start by Logging (Or SignUp ) to our website ,Choose the Your Location and Destination along with the Dates , and leave the rest on us . All Available flights will be displayed and you will be able choose the flight that you want.After that you are able to choose the Payment Method that suits you (MasterCard or Visa) . In Case you would to change any flight or any Personal Data , you will be able to do so in your Profile Page.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. and contact us on [email protected] Here are the Steps:
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
This Project Wouldn't have been released without the Support and help From our beloved Doctors ( Mervat Abo El kheir , Nada Shaarawi ). Along with MaterialUI library
Project Link: