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Lifecycle: experimental rhub DOI freesearcheR

This package is the backbone of the freesearcheR, a free and open-source browser based data exploration and analysis tool for clinicians and researchers with publication ready output.

This package and the freesearcheR-tool is part of a larger initiative to democratize health data analysis and remove barriers for clinicians to engage in health research.

the freesearcheR-tool is online and accessible here: link to the app freely hosted on All feedback is welcome and can be shared as a GitHub issue.

Initiatives for funding continued development of the tool and surrounding initiatives is ongoing.

Install locally

The freesearcheR-tool can also be launched locally. Any data.frame available in the global environment will be accessible from the interface.

# By loading mtcars to the environment, it will be available 
# in the interface like any other data.frame

Code of Conduct

Please note that the freesearcheR project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.