White Noise tray App based off https://beinthe.zone/ to help you focus while you work.
This is a simple white noise app that sits in the tray with volume and sharpness(freq cuttoff) controls.
I use white noise predominantly while working to help me with focus issues.
I do resort to Lofi-hiphop when doing lighter work, so do plan to extend this to make a Lofi Generator switch in the future.
The latest version of the app would be available in the releases section
Since I haven't added an Apple certificate to the app it'll throw scary warnings on the first run. Please do follow these steps in order to give this app a clean chit to run.
Facing any issues? Any bugs or features that you'd like to suggest? Any plans of world domination and you're looking for a partner?
Feel free add Github Issues here or reach out to me on twitter @ajaymenon.