go-http-logger is a asynchronous non-blocking logger for go HTTP Server which logs the requests in the below format
%YYYY/MM/DD% %HH:MM:SS% %VirtualHost:Port% %ClientHost:Port% "%HttpMethod% %URL?Paramaters% %HttpVersion%" %HttpReturnCode% %ResponseByteSize% "%HttpClient%" %ResponseTime%
Where ResponseTime is in MilliSeconds
It takes the following arguments:
- request - HTTP request from the client
- return_status - HTTP return status from the server
- return_string - HTTP response string
- file_handler - File to which Log has to be written to
- start_time - localtime in Nanoseconds (You can use time.Now().UnixNano()) when the HTTP handler starts its execution
- end_time - localtime in Nanoseconds (You can use time.Now().UnixNano()) when the HTTP handler finishes its execution