NOTE: autoformat.nvim does not contain any default formatters or keymappings. You'll have to define them yourself.
autoformat.nvim will allow you to easily setup autoformating for any filetype.
- Synchronous formatting, you can't edit the file while it's formatting it.
- Cursor stays in position after formatting. Even in multiple open windows!
- Run multiple formatters in order after each other. This allows you to run for
andgofmt -s
autoformat.nvim requires Neovim 0.4.0+ (PR welcome!).
For vim-plug
Plug 'akarl/autoformat.nvim'
" Define autoformatter
" First argument is the filetype, then a list of formatters that can take input
" from stdin.
call autoformat#config('go',
\ ['goimports -local "$(go list -m)"', 'gofmt -s'])
call autoformat#config('python',
\ ['black -'])
" Format file on save.
autocmd! BufWritePre * :Autoformat
" Format on key mapping.
nnoremap <Leader>= :Autoformat<CR>