A simple shell script to switch the PHP version for Laravel Valet+ using ZSH.
Create a hidden file in your users folder:
touch ~/.switch-valet-php-version.sh
Then copy and paste this function. It takes a string specifying the valet-php version that we want to run as a parameter.
# switches php version
phpv() {
string="$1" # i.e: [email protected], [email protected], etc...
a=("${(@s/@/)string}") # @ modifier, split string by delimiter /@/
echo "Switching to php version => $a[2] ..."
valet use $a[2] # get the numeric version after "@"
valet install
Perfect. Now we need to add some aliases to run the command from the terminal.
Add these lines to the bottom of your ~/.zshrc
alias php56="phpv [email protected]"
# ...
alias php73="phpv [email protected]"
source ~/.switch-valet-php-version.sh
Close your terminal and open a new one. You should be able to change your PHP version using one of the aliases we've just created.
That's it! Feel free to contribute. A bash version would be cool too!
References: https://murze.be/easily-switch-php-versions-in-laravel-valet