Chess in Elixir.
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Add chex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:chex, "~> 0.1.0"}
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.new_game()
iex(1)> {:ok, game} = Chex.new_game()
active_color: :white,
board: %{
{:a, 1} => {:rook, :white, {:a, 1}},
{:a, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:a, 2}},
{:a, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:a, 7}},
{:a, 8} => {:rook, :black, {:a, 8}},
{:b, 1} => {:knight, :white, {:b, 1}},
{:b, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:b, 2}},
{:b, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:b, 7}},
{:b, 8} => {:knight, :black, {:b, 8}},
{:c, 1} => {:bishop, :white, {:c, 1}},
{:c, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:c, 2}},
{:c, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:c, 7}},
{:c, 8} => {:bishop, :black, {:c, 8}},
{:d, 1} => {:queen, :white, {:d, 1}},
{:d, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:d, 2}},
{:d, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:d, 7}},
{:d, 8} => {:queen, :black, {:d, 8}},
{:e, 1} => {:king, :white, {:e, 1}},
{:e, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:e, 2}},
{:e, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:e, 7}},
{:e, 8} => {:king, :black, {:e, 8}},
{:f, 1} => {:bishop, :white, {:f, 1}},
{:f, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:f, 2}},
{:f, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:f, 7}},
{:f, 8} => {:bishop, :black, {:f, 8}},
{:g, 1} => {:knight, :white, {:g, 1}},
{:g, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:g, 2}},
{:g, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:g, 7}},
{:g, 8} => {:knight, :black, {:g, 8}},
{:h, 1} => {:rook, :white, {:h, 1}},
{:h, 2} => {:pawn, :white, {:h, 2}},
{:h, 7} => {:pawn, :black, {:h, 7}},
{:h, 8} => {:rook, :black, {:h, 8}}
captures: [],
castling: [:K, :Q, :k, :q],
check: nil,
en_passant: nil,
fullmove_clock: 1,
halfmove_clock: 0,
moves: [],
result: nil
iex> Chex.make_move(game, "e7e5")
{:error, :out_of_turn}
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "e2e4")
iex> game.active_color
iex> game.moves
[{{:e, 2}, {:e, 4}}]
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "e7e5")
iex> game.en_passant
{:e, 6}
iex> game.fullmove_clock
iex> game.moves
[{{:e, 7}, {:e, 5}}, {{:e, 2}, {:e, 4}}]
Chex.make_move(game, "e4e5")
{:error, :invalid_move}
{:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "d2d4")
{:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "e5d4")
[pawn: :white]
# Scholar's Mate
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.new_game()
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "e2e4")
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "e7e5")
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "f1c4")
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "b8c6")
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "d1h5")
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "g8f6")
iex> {:ok, game} = Chex.make_move(game, "h5f7")
iex> game.check
iex> game.result