/// \mainpage
This package is a tool in order to render molecular structures in using the Asymptote program.
Take the files in the dist
director and copy them in
your project directory or if you want to install it system-wide
just copy the files into
import atoms;
currentprojection = perspective(1,1,1);
settings.prc = false;
settings.render = 10; //quality
settings.outformat = "png"; //output
real bond_radius = 3.0;
real radius_scale = 0.2;
Atom h_1 = Atom("H", (-1,0,0));
Atom h_2 = Atom("H", (1,0,0));
h_1.color = red;
h_2.color = blue;
And now you could do
asy h2.asy
or if you want interactive
asy -batchView h2.asy
If you find this project useful and want to cite it, consider adding this bibtex entry to your citations.
author = {Alejandro Gallo},
title = {An asymptote package for rendering atomic structures},
year = {2016},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/alejandrogallo/asy-atoms}},
- Volumetric data!!!!!!!