This is a theme using Twitter Bootstrap and Designmodo's Flat UI theme which can be previewed on Designmodo's website. The awesome symbol font is from FontAwesome.
This theme has a live preview at
The theme now comes in two different color schemes: a light color scheme and a dark color scheme. The dark scheme is the default.
Please update the Wiki page if you are using this theme.
$ cd your_octopress_dir
$ git submodule add .themes/octoflat
$ rake install['octoflat']
$ rake generate
$ cd your_octopress_dir
$ git submodule update
$ cd your_octopress_dir
$ git clone .themes/octoflat
$ rake install['octoflat']
$ rake generate
Add a navigation section to your _config.yml. Doing this allows the navbar to highlight the active page. Use the following format:
- text: Home
url: /index.html
Create new pages by using the following command:
rake new_page['']
Go back to update your _config.yml file:
- text: Home
url: /index.html
- text: New Page Title
url: /new_page_name.html
The theme has two color scheme options: light and dark. The dark color scheme is the one enabled by default.
To change the color scheme after you've installed the theme, do the following:
$ cd your_octopress_dir/sass/custom/
$ vim _colors.scss
// Delete lines 3 and 18 and save
$ rake generate
To get the LinkedIn link to work, modify your _config.yml to have this line:
$ linkedin_user: username
Your username can be found by going to your profile page. On your info card at the top of the page, theres a link to your public profile page. Extract out your username from the link.**username**/
This theme is licensed under a MIT License -