A web service that generates QR codes for Stripe Payment Links.
To start, you'll need to clone the repo. You can do this via GitHub Desktop or the terminal with:
git clone https://github.com/alvinjz2/qr-stripe.git
Install any requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file with your secret Stripe key. More info on this key can be found here. The .env file should look something like this:
Start the Flask app by running
python -m flask run --debug
To create payment links, you'll need to first create products. Then, create Prices for these products. Finally, payment links can be generated for prices. To see an overview of this process, see this page.
- Products can be created with the /add-product endpoint
- Prices can be created with the /create-price endpoint
- Generate a QR code for a price with the /qr/{priceid} endpoint
- View the generated QR codes with the /view/{priceid} endpoint