Simple application to prune tags of images placed on a Red Hat Quay registry.
This application:
- Searches the given list of organizations for images
- Scans the images for the desired tag patterns
- For each tag pattern it deletes all the tags based on rules defined in the application configuration file named "config.yaml" (i.e. delete all tags except for the N most recent). More details about the rules are documented in the paragraph"Configuration file description" of this document
This application accepts the following inputs:
Environment variables (specified in the CronJob "quay-tags-pruner" when this application run on OpenShift):
- QUAY_URL This is the FQDN of the quay registry subject of the image tags pruning (i.e. )
- DRY_RUN This boolean variable accepts only two values "True" or "False". If the value of this variable is "True", it enables the DRY_RUN mode, any changes will be executed by the application but the application only show to the standard output the task that it would execute
- DEBUG This boolean variable accepts only two values "True" or "False". If the value of this variable is "True", it increases the verbosity of the logging messages
- QUAY_API_TIMEOUT This variable of type float allows to define the Quay API timeout value in seconds. The default value, if this variable isn't defined is 60.0
Environment variables (specified in the secret "quay-tags-pruner-token" when this application run on OpenShift):
- QUAY_APP_TOKEN This is an OAuth Token configured on the Quay Registry. It is used by the application to search organizations, repositories and tags and to prune tags
Configuration file (specified in the config map "quay-tags-pruner-config" when this application run on OpenShift):
- config.yaml This YAML file contains the definition of the rule used by the application to prune the image tags.
Important note: This application doesn't prune tags of repositories with state 'MIRROR' (repositories with mirror settings enabled) o 'READ_ONLY'. When this application identify a repository with one of these states, it prints a warning messages, skip the repository and continue its execution. On both cases the API call to delete tags from the repositories fails.
The following textbox contains an example of the configuration file config.yaml. The following part of this paragraph describes this configuration file.
- organization_list:
- org1
- org2
- tag_filter: "."
keep_n_tags: "5"
keep_tags_younger_than: "60"
- organization_list:
- org3
- tag_filter: ".*prod.*"
keep_n_tags: "15"
keep_tags_younger_than: "60"
- tag_filter: ".*test.*"
keep_n_tags: "20"
keep_tags_younger_than: "120"
enabled: True
exclude_organizations_regex: "^org4$|^org5$"
- tag_filter: "."
keep_n_tags: "10"
keep_tags_younger_than: "90"
The "config.yaml" file is a dictionary with two keys:
- rules (specified in the secret "quay-tags-pruner-token" when this application run on OpenShift): The pruning parameters of these rules are applied only to specific organizations defined in the parameter organization_list of each rule. Different pruning parameters for different set of organizations can be specified inserting different rules for each set of organizations in the rules section of the configuration file.
- default rule (specified in the secret "quay-tags-pruner-token" when this application run on OpenShift): The pruning parameters of the default rule is applied (if the default rule is enabled using the parameter "enabled") is applied to all the organizations of the Quay registry except to the organization already specified in the organization_list parameters of the rules. The default rule can be enabled or disabled modifying the parameter enabled that accepts only two values "True" or "False". The default rule can be enabled only if the access token used by the application has superadmin privileges (see more details in the paragraph 'Access token configuration'). The default rule contains also a required parameter named 'exclude_organizations_regex'. If the value of 'exclude_organizations_regex' is a valid regular expression, the organizations matching this regular expression are excluded by the default rule pruning parameter and no tags are deleted on their repositories by this application. If 'exclude_organizations_regex' contains an empty string, this parameter doesn't exclude any organization.
In each rule and in the default rule, a list of pruning parameters must be specified. If you want to define some pruning parameters for all the tags of all repositories of an organization, you can specify a single pruning parameter. If you want to define different pruning parameters to different set of tags of all repositories of an organization, you have to define a list of pruning parameter(one pruning parameter for each set of tags).
Each pruning parameter is a dictionary composed by tree keys:
- tag_filter It is a regular expression string to select a set of tags. If you want to create a tag_filter to select all the tags of all repositories of organization defined in organization_list you can use the value "." for the key "tag_filter"
- keep_n_tags This parameter defines the number of most recent uploaded tags(filtered using the parameter tag_filter) to keep in the repositories. All the other tags (filtered using the parameter tag_filter) will be deleted by this application
- keep_tags_younger_than This parameter uses a unit of measurement the days. This parameter allow to define the number of days of the tag creation dates(tags always filtered using the parameter tag_filter) of the oldest tag that is keep in quay. All the tags (filtered using the parameter tag_filter) uploaded in quay before the days specified in this parameter will be deleted. All the tags (filtered using the parameter tag_filter) uploaded in quay after the days specified in this parameter will be keep in the Quay registry
The parameter "tag_filter" is required in each pruning parameter.
The parameters "keep_n_tags" and "keep_tags_younger_than" are optional but at least one of them must be specified in each pruning parameter. When both "keep_n_tags" and "keep_tags_younger_than" condition are specified, both are verified before to delete the tags (i.e. Keep the most recent n tags and the tags uploaded after x days and then delete all the other tags not mathing these conditions)
The following text box contains an example configuration file with different rules and a comment/description of the pruning parameters of each rule:
- organization_list:
- org1
- org2
# Keep the most recent 5 tags of each reposities of the organization "org1" and "org2" and delete all the other tags
# of these repositories of these repositories
- tag_filter: "."
keep_n_tags: "5"
- organization_list:
- org3
# Keep the tags uploaded before 120 days ago of each reposities of the organization "org3" and delete all the other
# tags of these repositories
- tag_filter: "."
keep_tags_younger_than: "120"
- organization_list:
- org4
# Keep the tags uploaded before 120 days ago of each reposities of the organization "org4" but also keep at least
# the most 10 recents tags uploaded and delete all the other tags of these repositories
- tag_filter: "."
keep_tags_younger_than: "60"
keep_n_tags: "10"
- organization_list:
- org5
# Keep the 2 most recent uploaded tags matching the regular expression "v.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-rc[0-9]+" of all
# repositories of the organization org5 and delete all the other tags matching this regular expression
- tag_filter: "v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-rc[0-9]+"
keep_n_tags: "2"
# Keep the 5 most recent uploaded tags matching the regular expression "v.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-dev[0-9]+" of all
# repositories of the organization org5 and delete all the other tags matching this regular expression
- tag_filter: "v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-dev[0-9]+"
keep_n_tags: "5"
- organization_list:
- org6
# Keep the tags containing the string "prod" in their name uploaded before 120 days ago of each reposities of the
# organization "org6" but delete all the other tags containing the string "prod" in their name of these repositories
- tag_filter: "prod"
keep_tags_younger_than: "120"
# Keep the tags containing the string "test" in their name uploaded before 60 days ago of each reposities of the
# organization "org4" but delete all the other tags containing the string "prod" in their name of these repositories
# Note: all the tags not containing in their name the string "prod" or "test" will not be touched
- tag_filter: "test"
keep_tags_younger_than: "60"
enabled: False
exclude_organizations_regex: ""
- tag_filter: "."
keep_n_tags: "10"
keep_tags_younger_than: "90"
This section describes the prerequisite Quay configuration needed to execute quay-tags-pruner application against a Quay registry
The Quay OAuth access token specified using the environment variable QUAY_URL is used to authenticate any API call executed to the Quay registry. The quay-tags-pruner application can be used with two different set of privileges of the OAuth access token. The behaviour of the application changes based on the privileges assigned to the access token as described in the following table:
Application mode | Permission of OAuth Access Token | Description |
Superuser | 1) View all visible repositories 2) Read/Write to any accessible repositories 3) Super User Access |
Using this application mode, the default_rule can be enabled. The user owner of this OAuth Access Token must have superadmin privileges configured in the Quay registry configuration The user associated to the OAuth token must have the following permission: 1) "Write" permission on the repositories of the organizations defined in the configuration rule parameter 2) "Write" permission on all the Quay organization if the default_rule is enabled |
Standard user | 1) View all visible repositories 2) Read/Write to any accessible repositories |
Using this application mode the organizations used by pruner must be explicitly defined in the rule parameter of the configuration file and the default_rule can't be enabled The user owner of this OAuth Access Token doesn't need superadmin privileges configured in the Quay registry The user associated to the OAuth token must have the following permission: 1) "Write" permission on the repositories of the organizations defined in the configuration rule parameter |
The prerequisites to create a Quay OAuth access token are:
- create a Quay organization
- login with the user that will be associated to the OAuth Access token
The Red Hat documentation [1] describes the procedure to create a Quay OAuth access token, use the permission specified in the column "Permission of OAuth Access Token" of the previous table when required to select them in the procedure.
The user associated to the OAuth Access token need "write" access to all repositories(except the repositories with state 'MIRROR' and 'READ_ONLY') defined in the organization defined in the following list:
- All the organizations defined in the rules section of the configuration file
- If the default_rule is enables, All the organization configured on the Quay registry
The status of the application can be monitored using the prometheus rule defined in the file helm/pruner/templates/prometheusrule.yaml. This prometheus rule is firing an alarm named "QuayTagsPrunerJobStatusFailed" when there are failed Job in the quay-tags-pruner application namespace.
The file helm/pruner/templates/values.yaml contains the following configuration variables related to this prometheus rule:
$ grep prometheusRule helm/pruner/values.yaml
# A booolean variabile. If it is set to true, the prometheus rule is deployed
prometheusRuleDeploy: true
# The name of the alarm
prometheusRuleAlertName: "QuayTagsPrunerJobStatusFailed"
# Define the severity of the prometheus rule (allowed values: critical, error, warning, info )
prometheusRuleAlertSeverity: "error"
In order to ackowledge the error, the kubernetes job resources in error state can be deleted
Create a developing environment on a workstation to run/debug the application without using container
The following command allows to configure the configuration files:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/conf/
USER=$(whoami) sudo chown $USER /opt/conf/
ln -s $PWD/helm/pruner/config.yaml /opt/conf/config.yaml
The following command executes the application:
QUAY_URL="<quay_hostname>" QUAY_APP_TOKEN="<quay_oauth_token>" DEBUG="True" DRY_RUN="True" python3 src/
# Verify that the localhost/pruner:latest image has been build as described in the paragraph "Build from Dockerfile"
$ podman images localhost/pruner:latest
localhost/pruner latest 9357e815a5f8 3 hours ago 298 MB
# Create the podman volume pruner_conf_directory
$ podman volume create pruner_conf_directory
# Create the container
# Note: Replace the strings "<True|False>" "<INSERT_THE_QUAY_APP_TOKEN>" "<INSERT_THE_QUAY_URL>" with the appropriate
# values for your environment
$ podman create --name pruner \
--user 1001 \
-v pruner_config_directory:/opt/conf \
--env DEBUG=<True|False> \
--env DRY_RUN=<True|False> \
# Copy the config.yaml file to the podman volume pruner_conf_directory
$ podman cp --archive helm/pruner/config.yaml pruner:/opt/conf
# Start the container
$ podman start pruner
# Verify the status of the container. The script ends when the script ends
$ podman ps -a --filter name=pruner
01d95edb7b1f localhost/pruner:latest 54 seconds ago Exited (0) 39 seconds ago pruner
# Verify the logs of the container, this logs container the output of the script
$ podman logs pruner
Run quay-tags-pruner container with podman using the shell bash and run manually the script
# Verify that the localhost/pruner:latest image has been build as described in the paragraph "Build from Dockerfile"
$ podman images localhost/pruner:latest
localhost/pruner latest 9357e815a5f8 3 hours ago 298 MB
# Create the podman volume pruner_conf_directory
$ podman volume create pruner_conf_directory
# Create the container
# Note: Replace the strings "<True|False>" "<INSERT_THE_QUAY_APP_TOKEN>" "<INSERT_THE_QUAY_URL>" with the appropriate
# values of your environment
$ podman create --name pruner \
--user 1001 \
-v pruner_config_directory:/opt/conf \
--env DEBUG=<True|False> \
--env DRY_RUN=<True|False> \
--entrypoint="/bin/bash" \
-ti \
# Copy the config.yaml file to the podman volume pruner_conf_directory
$ podman cp --archive helm/pruner/config.yaml pruner:/opt/conf
# Start the container
$ podman start pruner
# Open a bash session on the container
$ podman exec -ti pruner /bin/bash
# Run the python script /usr/bin/ using the interpeter /usr/bin/python3.9
$ /usr/bin/python3.9 -u /usr/bin/
# Stop the container
$ podman stop pruner
# Remove the container
$ podman rm pruner
# Remove the podman volume pruner_conf_directory
$ podman volume rm pruner_conf_directory
Clone this repository and build an image:
$ git clone
$ cd quay-tags-pruner
$ podman build -t pruner .
This section describe how to deploy this app as a CronJob on OpenShift.
Perform the following steps:
- Create an OAuth access token on Quay with the right permissions
- Edit the following files:
- Install the Helm chart:
$ helm install pruner helm/pruner/
- The procedure described in Deploy on OpenShift is completed with success.
Perform the following steps:
- Select the project where the application has been deployed
$ oc project <project_name> # The name of the project is defined in the variable namespace of the file values.yaml
- Create a Job from the CronJob of the application
$ oc create job --from=cronjob/quay-tags-pruner "quay-tags-pruner-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)"
- View the logs of the pod created by the Job
$ oc get pod $ oc logs <pod_name>
This chapter describes some useful command to verify and check the previous executions of the quay-adm-pruner application
- Select the project where quay-adm-pruner has been deployed(defined in the variable "namespace" of the file helm/pruner/values.yaml)
$ oc project <project_name>
- View the past execution of the quay-adm-pruner listing the pods in the namespace
$ oc get pod
quay-tags-pruner-27719910--1-d4wwz 0/1 Completed 0 9h
quay-tags-pruner-27720492--1-sjfdl 0/1 Completed 0 4m11s
quay-tags-pruner-27720494--1-pqdhf 0/1 Completed 0 2m11s
quay-tags-pruner-27720496--1-4hd6d 0/1 Error 0 11s
The following list report the description of the most common STATUS value:
- Completed: The quay-adm-pruner application ended with success(status code: 0)
- Error: The quay-adm-pruner application ended with an error(status code: 0)
- Running: The quay-adm-pruner application is still running
- View the logs of the application quay-adm-pruner
$ oc logs <pod_name>
- To analyze complex errors in pod logs could be useful to start a debug pod of the failed pod running with the same user(not root) used regularly from the application and run the application from the container
$ oc debug pod/<pod_name> Starting pod/quay-tags-pruner-27720510--1-dvjpz-debug ... sh-4.4$ python3.9 -u /usr/bin/
- You can also start a debug pod with root access. quay-tags-pruner pod typically run with non-root privileges, but running troubleshooting pods with temporary root privileges can be useful during further issue investigation.
$ oc debug --as-root pod/<pod_name> Starting pod/quay-tags-pruner-27720510--1-dvjpz-debug ... sh-4.4$ python3.9 -u /usr/bin/