Scraping tweets for a specified twitter user, and performing some analysis on those tweets. Tweets were scraped via the python library GetOldTweets3 (
The notebook provided performs the analysis for twitter user @realDonaldTrump, however you can change this to be any other user. Data is collected from the start of 2016 to present. 4 years of tweets needs to be collected to perform the Anova/Tukey tests.
Scraping the tweets may take some time. In the notebook I am scraping 4 years worth of tweets for @realDonaldTrump, and since the user tweets often, it took around ~15min to collect all the data. I have provided a csv which already contains the tweets for @realDonaldTrump, which you can import instead of having to re-scrape all the tweets.
You may need to install the following packages to run the notebook.
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- wordcloud
- statsmodel
- scipy
- GetOldTweets3
To run the data analysis on some user, simply set the username and run. Currently, the notebook is running against @realDonaldTrump.