Electronics Engineer and Software Developer from Brazil
- 🌍 I'm based in Brazil, PE
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🔭 I'm currently working at Mutant
- 🧠 I'm learning Golang
• I grew up and was raised in Macapá - AP, and still miss my hometown very much 🥹
• I'm a hardware geek. Even though my daily coding routine is more directed to high level languages, I still research and work on embedded systems projects
• I'm a Flamengo fan. Sorry but that's just the best team in the world 😁
• I did some Dj gigs a while back. Still own a DDJ400 and blast it sometimes. Hip hop and psytrance are among my favorite genres
• I'm a hard fan of a software called TouchDesigner. It's used for modeling 3D objects and making art creations interactive. You can find some of the art work I created on my instagram @andre.diaas_
• As a last and not least hobby, I'm a enthusiast of lucid dreaming. If you ever practiced it, please contact me, we have much to talk about 😂