This is an exercise in learning key web technologies using a simple trading scenario.
The business domain consists of Instruments
that can be traded in the financial market. We will limit the scope to equities (also knows as stocks).
Traders (who are system Users
) can place Orders
for different instruments in the stock market. Orders placed by the traders are sent to a server that manages the actual placement in the market. When the server receives a large order, it may break the order in to small chunks called Placements
and push them to the market at different times. This makes sure that large orders do not swing the market in unintended ways. Also a large order may not get filled in one shot, it may require several Executions
to fill - depending on the supply and demand of the stock.
The server keeps the trader informed about the progress of their orders. In fact, it keeps all traders informed about all orders, whether placed by them or other traders.
For the purpose of this exercise the server has been completely coded - you don't have to worry about it. You will only be coding the front-end.
The server exposes three RESTful resources: Users, Instruments and Orders. These are described below.
Returns all Trader Desktop users. Assume all these users are traders.
GET http://localhost:8080/users HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "AM",
"name": "Amadeus Mozart"
"id": "AR",
"name": "A. R. Rahman"
Returns all instruments traded at the exchange.
GET http://localhost:8080/instruments HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"symbol": "AAPL",
"name": "Apple Inc.",
"lastTrade": 98.7
"symbol": "ADBE",
"name": "Adobe Systems Inc.",
"lastTrade": 13.13
An order object has the following properties:
id: int
creationTime: date,
side: 'Buy' | 'Sell'
symbol: String
quantity: int
quantityPlaced: int
quantityExecuted: int
limitPrice: float
priority: int [1 (Low) - 100 (High)]
status: 'New' | 'Placed' | 'Executed'
traderId: String
Returns all orders saved on the server.
GET http://localhost:8080/orders HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 78,
"creationTime": "2013-04-16T22:41:51.380Z",
"side": "Buy",
"symbol": "DIS",
"quantity": 983444,
"quantityPlaced": 983444,
"quantityExecuted": 983444,
"limitPrice": 31.46,
"priority": 50,
"status": "Executed",
"traderId": "AM"
Creates an order on the server.
POST http://localhost:8080/orders HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"side": "Buy",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 10000,
"limitPrice": 426.24,
"traderId": "AM"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 10,
"creationTime": "2013-04-17T00:01:18.000Z",
"side": "Buy",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"quantity": 10000,
"quantityPlaced": 0,
"quantityExecuted": 0,
"limitPrice": 426.24,
"priority": 50,
"status": "New",
"traderId": "AM"
Deletes all orders on the server.
DELETE http://localhost:8080/orders HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
In addition to the RESTful resources described above, the server also pushes events to the client using WebSockets. This makes sure that all clients are aware of what is going on. For example, an order placed by trader A is visible to all other traders. Server events are described below.
The payload contains the order that was created.
The payload contains the placement that was created:
orderId: int
quantityPlaced: int
status: 'New' | 'Placed' | 'Executed'
The payload contains the execution that was created:
orderId: int
quantityExecuted: int
executionPrice: float
status: 'New' | 'Placed' | 'Executed'
This event is sent when all orders on the server are deleted.
As mentioned earlier, the server is fully coded. Use the instrunctions below to build and run it.
Clone the Trader Desktop repository on your machine.
Open a command shell and change the directory to the local instance of the repository.
Install the required NPM packages:
$ npm install
Start the server using the following command:
$ npm start
Make sure the server is running by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should see the server home page with the message "This is the Trader Desktop server".