Build a mobile friendly web app. Battery included: Wiring signups, feature subscriptions, and payment.
- FastAPI (API backend)
- Auth0 (Authentication)
- Stripe (Payment)
- SendGrid (Email)
I wanted to build a web app with frontend, backend, database, login, email services, and paywall very quickly.
Since those are common skeleton for most SaazS apps, I built a plugin framework to build apps quickly.
- Python 3.8 or later is installed
Make and activate a Python environment:
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
Install zix:
pip install -U pip
pip install zixweb
zix init -w myapp
cd myapp
pip install -r requirement.txt
pip install -r requirement_dev.txt
requirement.txt contains the modules required for running the app. requirement_dev.txt contains the modules required for developing the app.
The rest of the document assumes your project is in myapp
By default, it will run Sqlite and creates zix.db file in the project root directory.
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial models"
alembic upgrade head
From the project root, do:
mkdir .env
cp env.yml .env
Open .env/env.yml at the root project directory.
To use Auth0 login, sign up (should be free) at
To try the test app,
- Go to Applications from the left menu and select Default App.
- Copy and Domain, Client ID and Client Secret and paste them into env.yml file into the corresponding fields.
- Set Application Type to "Regular Web Application."
- Enter "http://localhost:4000" to Allowed Callback URLs, Allowed Logout URLs, and Allowed Web Origins
- Click Save
Go to the project root directory and run:
zix -w . -p 4000 -e .env/env.yml serve
Point browser to http://localhost:4000
Try modifying myapp/static/compiled/index.html
and run the server again.
Place frontend and static files under myapp/static/compiled
Anything under compiled folder is served under /
as long as the path is not taken by the API endpoints you define.
Under the myapp directory, you'll find bstudio directory. If you have an active license of Bootstrap Studio, you can open this project. (I am not affiliated to the company)
Go to Export Settings on Bootstrap Studio and set the export path
to myapp/static/compiled
. Then export.
Run the server again. Now you have an (empty) webapp UI.
zix -w . add-plugin
It will ask you the name of the plugin. The plugin (ex. my_plugin) will be created under app/plugins/my_plugin
Take a look and modify at app/plugins/my_plugin/ to get started.
The app will create a Sqlite file (zix.db) under the project root. This isn't intended for the production use. app/config/ contains the SQLAlchemy settings for PostgreSQL. All you have to do is to modify the credentials in .env/env.yml.
To be written
To be written
To be written
zix apps can be deployed to any cloud virtual machines. While the deployment commands vary among the platforms, Dockerfile under the app project root will containerize the app.
To be written
To be written