docgen is a utility to parse code into a markdown file. The common scenario is to auto-generate a technical markdown but some parts are written in code.
USAGE: docgen [--verbose] [--enable-indent] [--disable-indent] [--codetag <codetag>] [--methodtag <methodtag>] [--attributetag <attributetag>] [--source-file-name-exts <source-file-name-exts>] [--document-file-name-exts <document-file-name-exts>] <source-path> <docuemnt-path>
<source-path> source folder
<docuemnt-path> document folder
indent with codetag (default: --enable-indent)
--codetag <codetag> codetag (default: SAMPLE)
--methodtag <methodtag> (default: METHOD)
--attributetag <attributetag>
(default: ATTRIBUTE)
--source-file-name-exts <source-file-name-exts>
source file name extention (default: kt,java,swift,m,mm,xml,c,cpp)
--document-file-name-exts <document-file-name-exts>
doucment file name extention (default: md)
-h, --help Show help information.
Use a variable like {{identifier}}
in the markdown file. The utility parse code or comment with the same identifier, and replace it in markdown. The default code file we search are: java, kotlin, xml (for Android), swift, m, mm, c and cpp.
Sample is the comments in code. When detected, it extract the source and don't change the format.
// SAMPLE: abc
code ...
the code between SAMPLE are assign to variable "abc".
code line // SAMPLE: abc
This inline commnet usaully for single line comment.
unused /* SAMPLE: abc */ want /* SAMPLE */ blabla
This block comment used for some samll code. ** Not Recommend **.
Support extract part of xml lines.
Here use xml comment.
This keyword is used to generate API table like
The comment format must be /// METHOD: class_name.method_name
or /// ATTRIBUT: class_name.attribute_name
After process all the input file, it will merge all method or attribut with same class name into a table.
Table in markdown file use the identifier {{METHOD:class_name}}
or {{ATTRIBUT:class_name}}
/// METHOD: Button.init
/// Designer defined button
/// - Parameters:
/// - frame: size of frame
/// - text: the string on button
/// - icon: the image shown on the left of the text
public init(
frame: CGRect,
text: String? = nil,
icon: UIImage? = nil,
) {
/// ATTRIBUT: Button.color
/// the tint color
/// - Value: Default: black
public var color: Color!
/// METHOD: Name.createFullName
This is an extremely complicated method that concatenates
- Parameter firstname:The first part of the full name.
- Parameter lastname:The last part of the fullname.
Returns:The full name as a string value.
func createFullName(firstname:String, lastname:String)->String {
return "\(firstname)\(lastname)"
/// METHOD: Button.constructor
creating new instance programmatically
@param buttonType button type
@param buttonIcon button icon
constructor(buttonType: Int, buttonIcon: Drawable?) {
/// ATTRIBUT: Button.color
the color of the text
@value color: Default: black
public var color: Color;