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Releases: ant-design/ant-design-mobile-rn


09 Sep 12:07
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  • 🔥 Carousel
    • fix: Carousel自动切换和手动切换冲突。#1259
  • fix: Button children 支持 string[] 类型。~commit

  • 🔥 Carousel
    • fix: Carousel autoplay and manual conflict. #1259
  • fix: Button children support string[] type. ~commit


12 Aug 15:20
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  • 🔥 NoticeBar
    • 🆕 direction 属性新增'up''down'两个方向。
    • 🆕 支持ref操作,支持<Marquee/>组件直接导出。
    • fix: forwardRef warning on InnerNoticeBar component. #1364
  • Picker
    • feat: styles 添加 itemActiveStyle 傀儡样式名。
  • List
    • fix: ListItem children 作为 string[] 类型。 ~commit
  • Form
    • fix: Form labelStyle works. #1371

  • 🔥 NoticeBar
    • 🆕 direction prop add 'up' & 'down' direction.
    • 🆕 add ref actions, export <Marquee/> component.
    • fix: forwardRef warning on InnerNoticeBar component. #1364
  • Picker
    • feat: Picker styles add itemActiveStyle
  • List
    • fix: ListItem children as string[] ~commit
  • Form
    • fix: Form labelStyle works. #1371


02 Aug 13:44
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  • 🔥 New Components
    • 🔥 Form component. #1345
    • 🔥 Input component, used to replace InputItem & TextareaItem component. #1345
    • 🔥 Collapse component, used to replace Accordion component.~commit
    • 🔥 Tooltip component, used to replace Popover component, base on @floating-ui/react-native. #1356
  • 🔥 Toast
    • 🆕 Add icon prop to support custom icons
    • 🆕 Add position prop for vertical display position #1353
  • 🔥 List
    • 💄 Refactor internal DOM structure, cancel the {flex:1} layout of extra, and change it to {maxWith: "70%"}. ~commit
    • 🛠 Simplified styles to better support and serve as the main component of Dark Mode.
  • Provider
    • 🆕 Add onHaptics for vibration feedback
    • 🛠 Simplified theme, complete Dark Mode. ~doc
  • NoticeBar
  • Slider
    • 💄 Refactor style, changed to brand color(#108ee9).
    • 🆕 Add new features such as range step ticks.
    • 🆕 Add dependence react-native-reanimated.
    • 🗑 Remove dependence @react-native-community/slider.
  • Stepper
    • 💄 Refactor style, base on InputStyle.
    • 🆕 Add stringMode, set value as string to support high precision decimals.
  • SwipeAction
    • 🆕 Add closeOnTouchOutside prop, base on useClickAway hook implementation. #1345
    • 🆕 Complete more properties base on react-native-gesture-handler/Swipeable.
  • 🗑 Deprecate SegmentedControl component.
    • 🗑 Remove dependence @react-native-community/segmented-control.

  • 🔥 新增组件
    • 🔥 Form 高性能表单控件。 #1345
    • 🔥 Input 文本输入组件,用于替换 InputItem & TextareaItem 组件,也更好支持Form#1345
    • 🔥 Collapse 折叠面板组件,用于替换 Accordion 组件。~commit
    • 🔥 Tooltip 气泡组件, 用于替换 Popover 组件。基于@floating-ui/react-native依赖实现。 #1356
  • 🔥 List
    • 💄 重构内部DOM结构,取消extra{flex:1}布局,改为{maxWith: "70%"}cc84d4f
    • 🛠 优化styles,更好支持并作为暗黑模式的主要组件。
  • 🔥 Toast
    • 🆕 新增 icon 属性,支持自定义图标。
    • 🆕 新增 position 属性,控制垂直方向显示位置。 #1353
  • Provider
    • 🆕 新增 onHaptics 属性,用于执行震动反馈事件,需自行选择引入触觉引擎。
    • 🛠 精简 theme主题变量,现支持暗黑模式~doc
  • NoticeBar
  • Slider
    • 💄 重构样式,改为品牌色(#108ee9)。
    • 🆕 添加新功能,例如rangestepticks
    • 🆕 新增 react-native-reanimated 依赖。
    • 🗑 移除 @react-native-community/slider 依赖。
  • Stepper
    • 💄 重构样式,改为基于 InputStyle。
    • 🆕 新增 stringMode属性,支持高精度小数,基于@rc-component/mini-decimal依赖实现。
  • SwipeAction
    • 🆕 新增 closeOnTouchOutside 属性,基于 useClickAway 钩子实现。 #1345
    • 🆕 完善并支持 react-native-gesture-handler/Swipeable 的所有属性。
  • 🗑 废弃 SegmentedControl 组件。
    • 🗑 移除 @react-native-community/segmented-control 依赖。


15 Mar 10:25
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  • fix: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.Double Bug
  • PickerView & DatePickerView & Carousel
    • fix: remove import react-native-gesture-handler/ScrollView
    • Let the user decide whether to use by _ScrollViewComponent prop


23 Feb 11:36
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  • Refactor Picker & PickerView
    • 🔥 Remove dependence @react-native-picker/picker
    • 💄 Refactor extends by ScrollView {snapToInterval} to support web
    • 🆕 Refactor itemStyle prop, make styles more flexible #1311 #1316
    • 🆕 Picker support (visible) new prop
  • Refactor DatePicker & DatePickerView
    • 💄 StyleBase Props extends by Picker & PickerView
    • 🆕 Support (precision filter ) new props
    • ⚡️ Deprecated (mode)prop; date format by Day.js
  • ❗️Delete ImagePicker and remove dependence @react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll
  • Switch
    • fix: checked prop support controlled mode #1325
    • feat: onChange prop when the Promise is returned, the loading status will be displayed automatically
  • Provider localization
    • locale prop supports now: 中文 English Русский Español Português - BR Sverige Persian 한국

  • 重构 Picker & PickerView
    • 🔥 重构开发并移除 @react-native-picker/picker 依赖
    • 💄 基于 ScrollView {snapToInterval} 开发并支持web
    • 🆕 重构 itemStyle 样式,显示更灵活 #1311 #1316
    • 🆕 Picker 新增 (visible) 属性支持
  • 重构 DatePicker & DatePickerView
    • 💄 样式基础属性 继承 Picker & PickerView
    • 🆕 新增 (precision filter ) 属性支持
    • ⚡️ 废弃(mode)属性;时间格式引用Day.js
  • ❗️删除 ImagePicker 并移除 @react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll 依赖
  • Switch
    • fix: checked属性支持全受控模式 #1325
    • feat: onChange属性当返回 Promise 时,会自动显示加载状态
  • Provider国际化
    • locale属性现支持: 中文 English Русский Español Português - BR Sverige Persian 한국


20 Feb 06:29
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  • fix: children as react element in @type/react@18(last) ~commit
  • fix: resolve peer dependency tree #1284


20 Feb 06:29
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14 Oct 08:47
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  • fix: EventEmitter.removeListener warning #1200
  • fix: TextInput can't write 中文 in Modal #1230
  • fix: type error on React 18 #1257 @lhr000lhr
  • feat: children as react element in Button #1260 @lucas-it


17 Aug 07:34
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  • fix: Tabs onChange no-call #1241
  • fix: add libraries required for version 5.0.0 #1228
  • fix: Typescript error in react18 #1242
  • fix: webpack config #1243
  • fix ButtonWave on android cause Checkbox can't be clicked #1238 @zs7779


28 Mar 10:30
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  • 🔥 Expo and react-native-web support #1220
  • Checkbox & Radio
    • 💄 Refactor Checkbox Use pure style replace to Icon button ~commit
    • ⚡️ Broken styles change ~commit
    • 💄 Radio Refactor extends by Checkbox
    • 🆕 Radio add Radio.Group component
  • Refactor Switch
    • 🆕 Switch add (loading checkedChildren unCheckedChildren) new props
    • 🆕 Switch support (trackColor thumbColor thumbTintColor) native props #507
    • 🆕 Switch support styles prop to custom style
  • Toast
    • 🆕 content's type support React.ReactNode @iShawnWang
    • 🐞 Fix the onClose callback not called when removeAll @erichua23
  • Carousel
    • 🔥 Refactor Carousel with remove dependence react-native-pager-view @1uokun
    • 💄 Carousel extends by ScrollView {pagingEnabled} to support web
  • 🔥 Refactor Tabs with remove dependence react-native-pager-view and extends by Carousel
  • 💄 ActionSheet create index.native.tsx to differentiate web and native Platform #1219
  • 🐞 Fix Flex support flex value 0 in Flex.Item @laoxubuer

  • 🔥 全面支持 Exporeact-native-web #1220
  • 重构 Checkbox & Radio
    • 💄 重构Checkbox 使用纯样式代码替换Icon按钮 ~commit
    • ⚡️ 缺点是破坏性的styles属性改变 ~commit
    • 💄 重构Radio 基于 Checkbox 开发
    • 🆕 Radio 新增 Radio.Group 组件
  • 重构 Switch
    • 🆕 Switch新增 (loading checkedChildren unCheckedChildren) 属性支持
    • 🆕 Switch新增 (trackColor thumbColor thumbTintColor) 原生属性支持 #507
    • 🆕 Switch 新增 styles 属性已自定义样式
  • Toast
    • 🆕 Toast content 属性类型新增 React.ReactNode @iShawnWang
    • 🐞 修复 Toast.removeAll 调用后无法回调 onClose bug @erichua23
  • Carousel
    • 🔥 重构Carousel,移除 react-native-pager-view 依赖 @1uokun
    • 💄 Carousel基于 ScrollView {pagingEnabled} 开发以支持web
  • 🔥 重构Tabs,移除 react-native-pager-view 依赖,基于Carousel开发
  • 💄 ActionSheet 创建index.native.tsx文件以此区分 web 端和 native#1219
  • 🐞 修复 Flex Flex.Item 组件 flex 属性不能为 0 bug @laoxubuer