Puzzler plugin - it smart simple and fast auto aggregator (combiner) CSS and JS scripts for Wordpress.
Require: PHP 5.4.
All scripts and styles must include ONLY 1 time and ONLY in 1 place, e.g. in wp_enqueue_scripts hook.
Styles(css) aggregation perform only for media='all'. ( without alternative stylesheets, titles, conditionals )
Avoid register/enqueue scripts/styles in conditional expressions, i.e.:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_enqueue_scripts');
function my_enqueue_scripts() {
// -- don't do it !
if ( is_single() || is_page() ) {
// -- correct !
Auto detect files change
Autocorrect internal links in the CSS after aggregation. ( url/src )
Auto +20 scores in Google PageSpeed Insights
Async/lazy load aggregated scripts/styles
Windows compatible
Author: [email protected]
Please, you can donate me to PayPal.