Release v0.6.0
Apache Uniffle (Incubating) Release v0.6.0
Optimize the assignment strategy
Some improvement of stability and performance
Add a plugin mechanism of SelectStorageStrategy
Add LowestIOSampleCostSelectStorageStrategy
Support Kerberos HDFS
- Change license owner to ASF by @kaijchen in #5
- Trivial code improvements by @wForget in #7
- [Minor] Store shuffleId int to be consistent with other data structure by @zuston in #10
- Introduce the asList method in ConfigOptions by @zuston in #9
- Rename package by @jerqi in #6
- Minimize apache-rat excluded files by @kaijchen in #11
- Update module names by @kaijchen in #12
- Covert PartitionAssignmentInfo to static inner class by @pan3793 in #15
- [Followup] Migrate to Junit5 by @zuston in #14
- [Bug] Fix NPE problem when process the event if application was cleared already by @colinmjj in #16
- [CI] Enable codecov report by @kaijchen in #17
- Correct the config description and fix typo by @zuston in #19
- Add CI and Codecov badges in README by @kaijchen in #20
- [Followup] Use asList method in some existing configOptions by @zuston in #18
- Move rss-integration-spark-common-test module package by @wForget in #23
- [INFRA] Improve asf.yaml to reduce the notifications by @jerryshao in #25
- [TEST] Improve code coverage in rss-common by @kaijchen in #26
- Remove redundant package by @wForget in #27
- [CI] Switch to temurin JDK by @kaijchen in #24
- [INFRA] Improve asf.yaml to reduce the notifications (another-try) by @jerryshao in #33
- Bump commons-lang3 from 3.5 to 3.10 by @wForget in #28
- Fix the log of incorrectly bound class by @wForget in #35
- [TYPO] Fix misspelled word "integration" by @kaijchen in #34
- Fix some hyperlink in by @daugraph in #32
- Upgrade gRPC to support Apple Silicon by @pan3793 in #13
- Allow to specify custom tags to decide the assignment of servers by @zuston in #30
- Optimize the bash script by @zuston in #29
- [Improvement] reduce compiler warnings by @advancedxy in #46
- [Chore]: document update and build time optimize by @advancedxy in #45
- Supplement doc about assignment tags by @zuston in #47
- [Bug] Fix skip() api maybe skip unexpected bytes which makes inconsistent data by @colinmjj in #40
- [improvement] Remove experimental feature with ShuffleUploader by @colinmjj in #51
- [Improvement] Provides utility classes for creating thread factories by @smallzhongfeng in #49
- Enable spotbugs and fix high priority bugs by @kaijchen in #38
- [CI] Change default checkstyle severity to error by @kaijchen in #57
- [Style] Check indentation by @kaijchen in #56
- [Experimental Feature] MR Supports Remote Spill by @frankliee in #55
- [Improvement] Log indicate the shuffle server host:port when doing re… by @zuston in #58
- Send commit concurrently in client side by @zuston in #59
- Explicitly set the constructor with AccessManager when extending AccessChecker by @zuston in #43
- [DOC] Replace Firestorm with Uniffle by @jerqi in #60
- Introduce the extraProperties to support user-defined pluggable accessCheckers by @zuston in #42
- Log enhancement: Merge multiple logs into oneline and add more description by @zuston in #62
- [TEST] Add more unit tests in rss-common by @kaijchen in #63
- [MINOR] Comments of PartitionBalanceAssignmentStrategy miss byte units by @smallzhongfeng in #68
- [Minor] Make config keys and default values finalized by @kaijchen in #70
- [Log Improvment] Add more detailed debug info for MR client by @frankliee in #84
- [Improvement] Shutdown the grpc executors pool when closing by @zuston in #83
- Log enhancement: return error message when getting assignment servers and log exception when initializing by @zuston in #64
- [ISSUE-48] [Feature] Init Kubernetes operator directory by @jerqi in #75
- [Improvement] No need to use synchronized lock of the method scope when getting client by @zuston in #82
- [DOC] Remove Wechat group in README by @jerqi in #88
- [Performance Optimization] Improve the speed of writing index file in shuffle server by @zuston in #91
- [DOC] Update title and description in README by @kaijchen in #94
- [Improvement] ShuffleBlock should be release when finished reading by @xianjingfeng in #74
- [IMPROVEMENT][COMMON] Fix common module code style by @jerqi in #99
- [Improvement]LocalStorage init use multi thread #71 by @xianjingfeng in #72
- [Improvement] Use OR operation instead of serialization for cloning BitMaps by @kaijchen in #103
- [Improvement] Ignore partial failure on initializing local storage in shuffle server side by @zuston in #102
- [CI] Test compile in Java 11 and Java 17 by @kaijchen in #105
- Sleep less time but try more times when stopping by @xianjingfeng in #112
- [Improvement] Use ConfigBuilder to rewrite the class RssSparkConfig by @smallzhongfeng in #104
- [Improvement] Introduce config to customize assignment server numbers in client side by @zuston in #100
- Assign partition again if registerShuffleServers failed by @xianjingfeng in #115
- [ISSUE-106][IMPROVEMENT] Set rpc timeout for all rpc interface by @xianjingfeng in #113
- [MINOR][IMPROVEMENT] Avoid CoordinatorServer#initialization multiple
new Configuration()
by @zwangsheng in #118 - [Improve] Remove useless server id from
by @zwangsheng in #119 - [MINOR][IMPROVEMENT][COORD] Fix coordinator module code style by @jerqi in #122
- [Improvement] Set heartBeatExecutorService as daemon thread by @smallzhongfeng in #121
- [JUnit] Introduce the property of trimStackTrace to show error stacktrace in mvn-test by @zuston in #126
- Make the conf of as list by @zuston in #130
- [MINOR][IMPROVEMENT][STORAGE] Fix storage module code style by @jerqi in #131
- [Improvement] Add timeout reconnection when DelegationRssShuffleManager send the request of AccessCluster by @smallzhongfeng in #139
- [MINOR] Fix flaky test testGetHostIp by @izchen in #141
- [Improvement] Add the number of unhealthy nodes in CoordinatorMetrics by @smallzhongfeng in #147
- [ISSUE-48][FEATURE] Add Uniffle Dockerfile by @wangao1236 in #132
- [BUGFIX] Fix memory leak which cause oom by @summaryzb in #145
- [Log Improvement] Output the registering/lost/exclude nodes in log by @zuston in #148
- [MINOR] Tagged spark hadoop version in release package by @izchen in #149
- [DOC] Migrate the coordinator doc from README to docs page by @zuston in #153
- [MINOR][DOC] Remove spaces when reading file of excluded nodes by @smallzhongfeng in #155
- [Improvement] Filter null value when selecting remote storage in ApplicationManager by @smallzhongfeng in #156
- Introduce more grpc server metrics by @zuston in #150
- [Improvement] Introduce a new class ShuffleTaskInfo by @smallzhongfeng in #158
- [ISSUE-76] Disallow sendShuffleData if requireBufferId expired by @xianjingfeng in #159
- Support storing shuffle data to secured dfs cluster by @zuston in #53
- [FOLLOWUP] Delete hdfs shuffle data files using proxy user by @zuston in #170
- [ISSUE-48][FEATURE] Init Operator Directory by @wangao1236 in #161
- PID file name should contains program name by @zuston in #165
- [BUGFIX] Fix resource leak when shuffle read by @izchen in #174
- [Improvement] ShuffleBufferManager supports triggering flush according to the size of single ShuffleBuffer by @leixm in #176
- [Improvement] Should match from pathToStorages when appId does not exist in appIdToStorages by @smallzhongfeng in #168
- [ISSUE-173][FOLLOWUP] The size of single buffer flush should reach by @leixm in #178
- Revert "[ISSUE-173][FOLLOWUP] The size of single buffer flush should reach " by @jerqi in #179
- [ISSUE-173][FOLLOWUP] The size of single buffer flush should reach by @leixm in #180
- [FOLLOWUP] Store app user in ShuffleTaskInfo by @smallzhongfeng in #181
- [ISSUE-123] Fix all test code style by @macroguo-ghy in #185
- [ISSUE-48][FEATURE][FOLLOW UP] Add RemoteShuffleService CRD by @wangao1236 in #175
- [FOLLOWUP] Add the conf of by @zuston in #184
- Fix flaky test about kerberos by @zuston in #191
- [Improvement] Add optional environment variables by @izchen in #187
- [MINOR] Fix some bad practices reported by spotbugs by @kaijchen in #177
- [ISSUE-48][FEATURE][FOLLOW UP] Add webhook component by @wangao1236 in #188
- [Log-Improvement] Log the newly registered app id by @zuston in #193
- [MINOR] Replace HashSet with ImmutableSet in configs by @kaijchen in #195
- [IMPROVEMENT] Introduce the enumType in ConfigOptions by @zuston in #199
- [ISSUE-48][FEATURE][FOLLOW UP] Generate informer and lister for crd by @wangao1236 in #202
- [ISSUE-144] Fix flaky test
by @LuciferYang in #203 - [Issue-194][Feature] Support spark 3.2.0 by @leixm in #201
- [ISSUE-186][Feature] Use I/O cost time to select storage paths by @smallzhongfeng in #192
- [Improvement][AQE] Avoid calling getShuffleResult multiple times by @leixm in #190
- Fix flaky test of heartbeatTimeoutTest by @zuston in #206
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add more metrics about local storage info by @zuston in #205
- [MINOR][IMPROVEMENT] Return index-file size of n*SEGMENT_SIZE in HDFS reading by @zuston in #204
- Add DISCLAIMER by @jerqi in #212
- [TEST] Improve SimpleClusterManagerTest by @kaijchen in #216
- [Minor] Modify the format of DISCLAIMER by @jerqi in #217
- Add Notice and DISCLAMER file by @frankliee in #215
The release of Uniffle 0.6.0 is inseparable from the contributors of the Uniffle community. Thanks to all the community contributors!