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ClinicaDL 1.1.0

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@mdiazmel mdiazmel released this 10 Feb 11:42
· 221 commits to dev since this release



  • Add new VAE models for training.
  • Add multiprocessing for the extract task.
  • Add tests to validate resume and quality-check functionalities.
  • Update minimal version for first level dependencies: clinica, scikit-learn, scikit-image.
  • Add a new Makefile to the root of the repository in order to facilitate sysadmin frequent tasks. The CI script was also modified.

Command line:

  • Update of the train command line: now all actions related to training (resume, list models, tasks…) are sub-commands of the command clinicadl train. Task is now a sub-command, and not an argument.
  • Add command to list the available models for the training task and the details of each model.
  • Add an option to the command save-tensor to save the reconstruction outputs as nifti files.
  • Add command clinicadl train from_json to train again the same experiment from a JSON file generated by ClinicaDL.


  • Allow the user to choose the optimizer and the metric independently of the performed task.
  • Logger does not display output according to the --verbose option during the training tasks. This behavior is fixed.
  • Behavior of resume was changed.
  • Reader to request BIDS/CAPS datasets changed its interface in the recent version of Clinica (>=0.5.4). Code using these functions was adapted.
  • Exceptions raised are now more specific and detailed.
  • Documentation was updated.