Static site generator used to create the markdown content and store it on github.
This will help you to create the markdown file for gatsby blog. It'll help to create content and post immediatly or save it in draft, edit again and finally post it.
We need github clien-id and client-secret to access the gihtub api for both development and production. So create oauth application in gihtub
step 1: Goto -->
click on OAuth Apps --> New OAuth apps
step 2:
Add Appname: sample app
if it's localhost
Homepage URL: http://localhost:5000
Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:5000/authorize
click --> Register Application
step 3:
click on app name that's created before in above case
sample app
you can see the client id and client secret. we need to add this to our .env
Step 1: Clone the repo
cd static_site_generator
Step 2: create .env file in root folder
Add below values to .env replace the GITHUB_CLIENTID and GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET with your application id and secret.
SECRET_KEY = 'some-text-you-cannot-guess'
step-3: install requirement pip install -r requirements.txt
step-4: start server python3
step 1: configure github folder we need to configure the github repo and content folder path and draft folder path after login to the site
Repo Name --> gatsby_sample
(Trailing slash in the end of the folder is must)
Post Folder Name --> content/posts/
Draft Folder Name --> content/drafts/
you'll be redirected to home-page automatically content will be fetched from github posts folder and displayed here.
Heroku Sample App:
step 1: install herko cli
step 2: create app heroku create APP-NAME (APP-NAME is not mention then heroku creates a random name)
step 3: git push heroku master
step 4: Update .env variables to Config vars in heroku
On Config Vars tabs click on Reveal Config Vars
Add all .env variables
step 5: heroku ps:scale web=1
step 6: heroku open
githubfolder configre will be reset whenever server is restart or started newly
- Heroku github config in reset automatically without even resetting server. workaround while publish/draft storing form data to localstorage (it won't be disappear) and reterive again in (create/edit view) and save to github again.