- Arun Pranav A T: Full-stack Developer, Team Leader
- Shalini S: Full-stack Developer
- Kavirajar B: Frontend Developer, UI/UX Designer
- Kierthana R S: Full-stack Developer
Demo Video: YouTube
Live Product: The Do-Nation Station
The Do-Nation Station is a centralized platform designed to facilitate transparent donations to orphanages, NGOs, hospitals, foundations, and old age homes. It aims to simplify the donation process, ensuring that donors can easily find and support organizations based on specific needs, locations, and urgency. The platform also provides detailed information and utilization reports to donors, enhancing transparency and trust.
Many charitable organizations have their own websites for donations, leading to a fragmented system. There is a lack of a central platform where all these organizations can register, making it difficult for donors to identify and support those in need efficiently. Additionally, there is a need for transparency and accountability to show how donations are utilized.
To address these challenges, we propose a comprehensive donation platform that connects donors with charitable organizations. The platform offers:
- Centralized registration for all charitable organizations.
- Enhanced search functionality based on location and cause.
- Impact tracking and visualization for each donor.
- Leaderboard and recognition system among donors (gamification).
- Transparency and accountability through detailed donation histories.
- Future scope includes AI for organization integrity checks and a messaging platform for donors and organizations.
- Centralized Registration: Enable charitable organizations to register with detailed information, ensuring transparency and credibility.
- Enhanced Search Functionality: Robust search filters based on location, urgency, and specific needs.
- Impact Tracking and Visualization: Real-time insights into donation utilization.
- Leaderboard and Recognition System: Encourages top donors through gamification.
- Transparency: Detailed real-time updates on donation utilization.
- AI Verification: Future scope includes AI to verify the authenticity of organizations.
- Messaging Platform: Future scope includes a communication platform between donors and organizations.
- GitHub Repository: The Do-Nation Station
- Demo Video: YouTube
- Live Product: The Do-Nation Station
- Frontend: React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Material UI
- Backend: Appwrite
- Database: Appwrite
- Authorization: Appwrite
- UI/UX Design: Figma
- APIs: REST APIs, Google Map API
- Charitable Organizations: Upload details including government licenses, audits, photographs, location, requirements, population, and organizational information.
- Donors: Set preferences and search for organizations to support.
- Monetary Donations: Direct transfer to bank accounts.
- In-kind Donations: Delivery instructions provided.
- Organizations update the status of donations.
- Donors receive real-time notifications about the impact of their donations.
- Ranking system for donors.
- Recognition of top donors within specific locations.
- Donors can leave feedback.
- Organizations can update their profiles based on feedback.
- Initial Cost: Rs.0/- (using free versions of software like Vercel and Appwrite for the prototype)
- Vercel Costs: $20/month (Rs.1600) for advanced collaboration features, higher performance, and scalability.
- Appwrite Costs: $15/month (Rs.1200) for pro developer features, including 300GB bandwidth, 150GB storage, 3.5M executions, and 200,000 monthly active users.
- AI Verification: Image-based machine learning models to verify the authenticity of charitable organizations.
- Messaging Platform: Enhanced communication between donors and organizations.
- Automated Email Services: Update donors on the impact of their donations.
- Live Food Donation Facility: Redistribute leftover food to needy people.
India and the world have a vast network of charitable organizations dedicated to addressing various social, economic, and environmental challenges. In 2022, global donations reached an estimated $466 billion, with India contributing ₹21,000 crore ($2.7 billion).
The Do-Nation Station aims to revolutionize the way donations are made by providing a centralized, transparent, and user-friendly platform for donors and charitable organizations. By leveraging technology and innovative features, we strive to foster a culture of giving and ensure that support reaches those who need it most efficiently and effectively.
For more details, please visit our GitHub Repository and explore our live demo at The Do-Nation Station.
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- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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