Author : Atsushi Oka (I am from Japan)
Website :
Titaniumcore is a Javascript Cryptography Toolkit which supports asynchronous RSA key generation. The source code set that this github repository contains is formerly published as "Titaniumcore.js" at the website since Jan 23,2009.
Titaniumcore contains a number of known bugs which have not been fixed yet, so please take great care when you apply this library to your application.
Please let me explain the background of writing Titaniumcore.
I wrote this library in 2008 as a challenge.
I have graduated neither high school nor university. Since I moved to Thailand from Japan in the middle of 2005, I have been trying to educate myself with cheap living cost in Thailand.
In late 2008, I was learning about cryptographic algorithm and related topics. After I finished reading the Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography, I thought I needed some practical challenge such as writing code which use cryptographic algorithm.
At that time, I was developing a system which I invent by myself. ( And the system is still under development.) The system needed client side RSA processing such as RSA key generation. I felt that RSA processing might be a good trial to me to learn cryptographic programming.
Somehow I thought the library must endure in practical use. RSA key generation usually consumes large CPU time. Especially, in 2008, common browsers were not so powerful as modern browsers in 2013. This is the reason I have invented an asynchronous processing framework in JavaScript.
Since I published it to my website, a number of applications adopt Titaniumcore. I did not expect such many people use my library. Indeed, it was so exciting for me but this library was merely written to implement simple and small applicatons not for any enterprise-like large systems which may refer a number of libraries at same time.
When you apply Titaniumcore.js in a larger project, I think the most serious problem which the library causes is function name conflict which is caused by extending Object.prototype. Extending Object.prototype effectively breaks the consistency of 'for ( var i in obj )' style loop. (The issue was not widely known at 2008.)
Another problem which this library contains may be caused by upcoming HTML5 WebWorker feauture. Asynchronous execution of Titaniumcore is implemented by my self-invented library "nonstructured.js". WebWorker deprecates nonstructured.js.
There are other out-dated code in the library.
I am here to register the Titaniumcore to Github, in order to make it up-to-date for applying in modern browsers.
- Rewrite it to be not extending Object.prototype.
- Adapt it to new WebWorker feauture whiche is introduced in HTML5.
- Adapt it to modern import mechanism such as CommonJS.
- Support standard RSA padding schemes to communicate server-applications which are written in using common library such as JCA, etc. (Now Titaniumcore only supports an RSA padding scheme which I have invented by myself. This is surely, extremely, annoying for users. )
- Rewrite READMEs.
- Integrate many great updates by Titaniumcore users in GitHub.
- Create a discussion group on somewhere like Google's.
JavaScript Cryptography Toolkit Library
See ./crypto/readme.txt for further information. -
A Non-Structure Oriented Programming Framework
See ./nonstructured/nonstructured.readme.txt for further information. -
Tools - Some Utilities
See ./tools/readme.txt for further information.
Author : Atsushi Oka (I am from Japan)
Website :
mailto : [email protected]
Licence : LGPLv3
Modified Date May 11,2013