Package management is done using Nix to provide a declarative, reproducible and consistent development environment. My setup is based on that of checkoway.
Any packages to be installed are declared in env.nix
To install packages:
nix-env -irf env.nix
To update packages:
- .tmux.conf
- .ssh/config
- .ssh/rc
Read .tmux.conf instructions for installing the tmux plugin manager (tpm) before using.
The .ssh/rc and .ssh/config files are needed for tmux to work properly with ssh-agent forwarding when reattaching tmux after reconnecting an ssh session.
- .zshrc
- .p10k.zsh
powelevel10k assumes that you have the recommended fonts installed.
- .vimrc
When first run with this config file, vim will try to install the plugin manager Plug and then install all of the necessary plugins.
These are for tools that I don't typically use, but can be helpful when my tools of choice aren't available for a system.
- .screenrc
This is a windowing tool like tmux that is usually installed by default on linux systems.