Hello! I like Subnautica, and I've wanted to program a game for a while now.
I really wanted the demo to be a playable game, and I spent many hours trying to get it to work, but it didn't. If you want to play the game yourself, please follow the instructions.
Make sure you can run python files.
Download the files from this repository.
Run main.py.
Voilà! You can now play my game :)
- If you're in water:
- a, s, w, d
- If you're in air:
- a, d, Space
Other controls:
- p to pause and unpause
- Ctrl + s to save your game (input in console)
- Ctrl + l to load one of your saved games (you can also load fresh_install to start anew)
- Ctrl + d to delete one of your saved games (pls don't delete game files)
- Alt + Enter to enter fullscreen mode (performance issues)
The game is based on rendering chunks, which I implemented myself. You can either be in water or air; with different physics for both states. There is precise collision with the map, and an oxygen meter (though nothing happens when you run out (yet)). Also present are ways to save and load your games.
There are still many improvements I want to introduce.
I'm also trying to use as many design patterns as possible. :)