Convert your WordPress JPG/PNG images to WebP formats during runtime.
Download from WordPress plugin repository.
You can also get the latest version from any of our release tags.
As an internet user, you already know images can be the difference between a great website experience and a terrible one! Think about how often you've landed on a website and hit the back button because the home page was too busy or the banner image was taking so much time to load due to its size.
You may not realize it, but imagery is a large part of it. This plugin helps take care of all those concerns, by converting your WordPress images to WebP format during page load so that your site loads extremely fast, without any disruptions or downtime.
This custom hook (filter) provides the ability to add custom options for your image conversions to WebP. For e.g. to perform a 50% quality, image conversion using the Imagick extension, you could do:
add_filter( 'icfw_options', [ $this, 'custom_options' ] );
public function custom_options( $options ): array {
$options = wp_parse_args(
'quality' => 50,
'converter' => 'imagick',
return (array) $options;
- options
By default this will be an associative array containing key, value options of each image conversion.
This custom hook (action) fires immediately after the image is converted to WebP. For e.g. you can capture errors to a custom post type of yours like so:
add_action( 'icfw_convert', [ $this, 'log_webp_errors' ], 10, 2 );
public function log_webp_errors( $webp, $attachment_id ): void {
if ( is_wp_error( $webp ) ) {
'post_type' => 'webp_error',
'post_title' => (string) $webp->get_error_message(),
'post_status' => 'publish',
- webp
By default this will be the WebP return value after an image conversion is done. If successful, a string is returned, otherwise a WP_Error instance is. - attachment_id
By default this is the Image ID.
This custom hook (filter) provides the ability to modify the resulting WebP image HTML. For e.g. you can nest your image HTML into a figure element like so:
add_filter( 'icfw_attachment_html', [ $this, 'custom_img_html' ], 10, 2 );
public function custom_img_html( $html, $attachment_id ): string {
return sprintf(
<figcaption>Image ID: %s</figcaption>
(string) $html,
(string) $attchment_id
- webp
By default this will be the image HTML. - attachment_id
By default this is the Image ID.
This custom hook (filter) provides the ability to add custom fields to the Admin options page like so:
add_filter( 'icfw_form_fields', [ $this, 'custom_form_fields' ] );
public function custom_form_fields( $fields ): array {
$fields = wp_parse_args(
'custom_group' => [
'label' => 'Custom Heading',
'controls' => [
'custom_option_1' => [
'control' => 'text',
'label' => 'My Custom Option 1',
'summary' => 'Enable this option to save my custom option 1.',
'custom_option_2' => [
'control' => 'select',
'label' => 'My Custom Option 2',
'summary' => 'Enable this option to save my custom option 2.',
'options' => [],
'custom_option_3' => [
'control' => 'checkbox',
'label' => 'My Custom Option 3',
'summary' => 'Enable this option to save my custom option 3.',
return (array) $fields;
- fields
By default this will be an associative array containing key, value options of each field option.
This custom hook (filter) provides the ability to modify the resulting WebP image HTML. For e.g. you can nest your image HTML into a figure element like so:
add_filter( 'icfw_thumbnail_html', [ $this, 'custom_img_html' ], 10, 2 );
public function custom_img_html( $html, $thumbnail_id ): string {
return sprintf(
<figcaption>Image ID: %s</figcaption>
(string) $html,
(string) $thumbnail_id
- webp
By default this will be the image HTML. - thumbnail_id
By default this is the Image ID.
This custom hook (action) fires immediately after a WebP image is deleteed.
add_action( 'icfw_delete', [ $this, 'delete_bmp_image' ], 10, 2 );
public function delete_bmp_image( $webp, $attachment_id ): void {
$bmp = str_replace( '.webp', '.bmp', $webp );
if ( file_exists( $bmp ) ) {
unlink( $bmp );
- webp
By default this will be the absolute path of the WebP image. - attachment_id
By default this is the Image ID.
This custom hook (action) fires immediately after a WebP metadata image is deleteed.
add_action( 'icfw_metadata_delete', [ $this, 'delete_bmp_image' ], 10, 2 );
public function delete_bmp_image( $webp, $attachment_id ): void {
$bmp = str_replace( '.webp', '.bmp', $webp );
if ( file_exists( $bmp ) ) {
unlink( $bmp );
- webp
By default this will be the absolute path of the WebP metadata image. - attachment_id
By default this is the Image ID.
- Clone the repository.
- Make sure you have Composer and PHP
installed in your computer. - Run
composer install
to build PHP dependencies. - For local development, you can use Docker or Local by Flywheel.