Universal compression library for UWP projects
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Original Project
SharpCompress is a fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats.
The project originally developed by Adam Hathcock
Based on the Original SharpCompress 0.30.1
In progress, currently only two main functions ported
More functions in progress
It will support any UWP project (build 14393+)
but if you want to compile your project with .NETNativeToolChain use 16299+ as min target
You will be able for now to compress or decompress with specific functions
var zipFile = await folder.CreateFileAsync("testFile.zip", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
using (var stream = await zipFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
using (var archive = ZipArchive.Create())
//To avoid UI block run this code into Task
await archive.AddAllFromDirectory(targetFolder);
//AddAllFromDirectory can extended to:
//AddAllFromDirectory(storageFolder, string[] searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories, IProgress<int> progress, bool IncludeRootFolder, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
//IProgress<int> will report how many file queued
//SaveTo can extended to:
//SaveTo(Stream stream, IProgress<Dictionary<string, long>> progress, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
//IProgress<Dictionary<string, long>> will provide file name / size like below:
//string fileName = value.FirstOrDefault().Key;
//string size = value.FirstOrDefault().Value.ToFileSize();
Stream zipStream = await zipFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
using (var zipArchive = ArchiveFactory.Open(zipStream)){
//It should support 7z, zip, rar, gz, tar
var reader = zipArchive.ExtractAllEntries();
//Bind progress event
reader.EntryExtractionProgress += (sender, e) =>
var entryProgress = e.ReaderProgress.PercentageReadExact;
var sizeProgress = e.ReaderProgress.BytesTransferred.ToFileSize();
//Extract files
while (reader.MoveToNextEntry()){
if (!reader.Entry.IsDirectory){
await reader.WriteEntryToDirectory(destinationFolder, new ExtractionOptions() { ExtractFullPath = true, Overwrite = true });
//WriteEntryToDirectory can extended to:
//WriteEntryToDirectory(folder, options, cancellationTokenSource)
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//it will help to terminate the current entry directly if cancellation requested
Developed by Adam Hathcock
UWP Port Bashar Astifan