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Simple Tools Depot

A bunch of simple tools and scripts that I've found myself and others
reimplementing over and over.

* st                -> simple templating, using `[%` and  `%]` as delimiters.

* tinydns_migration -> scripts to migrate existing DNS to tinydns.

* get_logs          -> simple utility to remotely copy and keep rotating logs.

* nagutils          -> some comandline utilities for nagios.

* ejabberd_htpass   -> script to allow ejabberd to use htpasswd file as auth

* list_collection_info -> script to list collections with older ansbile (<= 2.9).

* get_collection_info -> script to get collection info with older ansbile (<=2.9).

* vars_plugins/  -> custom ansible vars plugins.
	- host_group_vars_ini -> similar to built in ansible host_group_vars, but reads ini instead of YAML/JSON.