Hey! 👋 Here you'll found some about me, if you want to know more here you'll found some of my social media.
Don't forget to text me if there's something I can do for you. I'm always with open arms.
import bcondict from './profile';
class Me extends bcondict {
constructor() {
this.bcondict_skills = {
Knowledge: ["C", "C#", ".NET", "Python", "Javascript", "HTML", "CSS", "SQL"],
Improving: ["Unity", "Blender", "Node.js", "Unity"]d,
Learning: ["Next.js", "Unity"]
this.bcondict_personal = {
Real_name: "Jesus Junco",
Age: 19,
Pronouns: "he" | "Him",
Hobies: ["Ride Bicycles", "Gimnastic", "Gamming", "Running"],
Personality: ["Joyful", "Cheerful", "Passionate", "Loyal" ],
Objective_1: "Keep improving my knowledge and my hard skills as soft skills",
Objective_2: "find where I can show my current knowledge and discover Tech world from inside"
const aboutMe = new Me();