Implementation of the back-propagation algorithm using only the linear algebra and other mathematics tool available in numpy and scipy.
We will restrict ourselves to fully-connected feed forward neural networks with one hidden layer (plus an input and an output layer).
Credits to Jón Guðnason and Eyjólfur Ingi Ásgeirsson on their Data Mining and Machine Learning course at RU.
We will use the following nonlinear activation function:
We will also need the derivative of this function:
Note: To avoid overflows inside sigmoid(x)
we check if x<=100
and return 0.0
in that case.
Example inputs and outputs:
A perceptron takes in an array of inputs
The function perceptron(x, w)
returns the weighted sum and the output of the activation function.
Example inputs and outputs:
perceptron(np.array([1.0, 2.3, 1.9]),np.array([0.2,0.3,0.1]))
->(1.0799999999999998, 0.7464939833376621)
->(0.18000000000000005, 0.5448788923735801)
When we have the sigmoid and the perceptron function, we can start to implement the neural network.
The function ffnn
computes the output and hidden layer variables for a single hidden layer feed-forward neural network. If the number of inputs is
y, z0, z1, a1, a2 = ffnn(x, M, K, W1, W2)
is the input pattern of$(1\times D)$ dimensions (a line vector) -
is a$((D+1)\times M)$ matrix andW2
is a$(M+1)\times K$ matrix. (the+1
are for the bias weights) -
is the input vector of the hidden layer of size$(1\times M)$ (needed for backprop). -
is the input vector of the output layer of size$(1\times K)$ (needed for backprop). -
is the input pattern of size$(1\times (D+1))$ , (this is justx
inserted at the beginning to match the bias weight). -
is the output vector of the hidden layer of size$(1\times (M+1))$ (needed for backprop). -
is the output of the neural network of size$(1\times K)$ .
Example inputs and outputs:
First load the iris data:
features, targets, classes = load_iris()
(train_features, train_targets), (test_features, test_targets) = \
split_train_test(features, targets)
Then call the function
# Take one point:
x = train_features[0, :]
K = 3 # number of classes
M = 10
# Initialize two random weight matrices
W1 = 2 * np.random.rand(D + 1, M) - 1
W2 = 2 * np.random.rand(M + 1, K) - 1
y, z0, z1, a1, a2 = ffnn(x, M, K, W1, W2)
:[0.47439547 0.73158513 0.95244346]
:[1. 5. 3.4 1.6 0.4]
:[1. 0.94226108 0.97838733 0.21444943 0.91094513 0.14620877 0.94492407 0.57909676 0.88187859 0.99826648 0.04362534]
:[ 2.79235088 3.81262569 -1.29831091 2.32522998 -1.76465113 2.84239174 0.31906659 2.01034143 6.3558639 -3.08751164]
:[-0.1025078 1.00267978 2.99711137]
The back-propagation algorithm evaluates the gradient of the error function
y, dE1, dE2 = backprop(x, target_y, M, K, W1, W2)
x, M, K, W1
are the same as for theffnn
function -
is the target vector. In our case (i.e. for the classification of Iris) this will be a vector with 3 elements, with one element equal to 1.0 and the others equal to 0.0. (*). -
is the output of the output layer (vector with 3 elements) -
are the gradient error matrices that contain$\frac{\partial E_n}{\partial w_{ji}}$ for the first and second layers.
Assume sigmoid hidden and output activation functions and assume cross-entropy error function (for classification). Notice that
The inner working of the backprop
function follows this order of actions:
- runs
on the input. - calculates
$\delta_k = y_k - target_y_k$ - calculates
$\delta_j = (\frac{d}{da}\sigma(a1_j)) \sum_{k} w_{k,j+1}\delta_k$ (the+1
is because of the bias weights) - initializes
as zero-matrices with the same shape asW1
- calculates
dE1_{i,j} = \delta_j z0_i
anddE2_{j,k} = \delta_k z1_j
Example inputs and outputs:
Call the function
K = 3 # number of classes
M = 6
D = train_features.shape[1]
x = features[0, :]
# create one-hot target for the feature
target_y = np.zeros(K)
target_y[targets[0]] = 1.0
# Initialize two random weight matrices
W1 = 2 * np.random.rand(D + 1, M) - 1
W2 = 2 * np.random.rand(M + 1, K) - 1
y, dE1, dE2 = backprop(x, target_y, M, K, W1, W2)
:[0.42629045 0.1218163 0.56840796]
[[-3.17372897e-03 3.13040504e-02 -6.72419861e-03 7.39219402e-02
-1.16539047e-04 9.29566482e-03]
[-1.61860177e-02 1.59650657e-01 -3.42934129e-02 3.77001895e-01
-5.94349138e-04 4.74078906e-02]
[-1.11080514e-02 1.09564176e-01 -2.35346951e-02 2.58726791e-01
-4.07886663e-04 3.25348269e-02]
[-4.44322055e-03 4.38256706e-02 -9.41387805e-03 1.03490716e-01
-1.63154665e-04 1.30139307e-02]
[-6.34745793e-04 6.26081008e-03 -1.34483972e-03 1.47843880e-02
-2.33078093e-05 1.85913296e-03]]
[[-5.73709549e-01 1.21816299e-01 5.68407958e-01]
[-3.82317044e-02 8.11777445e-03 3.78784091e-02]
[-5.13977514e-01 1.09133338e-01 5.09227901e-01]
[-2.11392026e-01 4.48850716e-02 2.09438574e-01]
[-1.65803375e-01 3.52051896e-02 1.64271203e-01]
[-3.19254175e-04 6.77875452e-05 3.16303980e-04]
[-5.60171752e-01 1.18941805e-01 5.54995262e-01]]
(*): This is referred to as one-hot encoding. If we have e.g. 3 possible classes:
, we could assign the following label mapping:yellow: 0
,green: 1
andblue: 2
. Then we could encode these labels as: $$ \text{yellow} = \begin{bmatrix}1\0\0\end{bmatrix}, \text{green} = \begin{bmatrix}0\1\0\end{bmatrix}, \text{blue} = \begin{bmatrix}0\0\1\end{bmatrix}, $$ But why would we choose to do this instead of just using $0, 1, 2$ ? The reason is simple, using ordinal categorical label injects assumptions into the network that we want to avoid. The network might assume thatyellow: 0
is more different fromblue: 2
thangreen: 1
because the difference in the labels is greater. We want our neural networks to output probability distributions over classes meaning that the output of the network might look something like: $$ \text{NN}(x) = \begin{bmatrix}0.32\0.03\0.65\end{bmatrix} $$ From this we can directly make a prediction,0.65
is highest so the model is most confident in that the input feature corresponds to theblue
Training consists of:
- forward propagating an input feature through the network
- Calculate the error between the prediction the network made and the actual target
- Back-propagating the error through the network to adjust the weights.
W1tr, W2tr, E_total, misclassification_rate, guesses = train_nn(X_train, t_train, M, K, W1, W2, iterations, eta)
are the training data and the target valuesM, K, W1, W2
are defined as aboveiterations
is the number of iterations the training should take, i.e. how often we should update the weightseta
is the learning rate.
are the updated weight matricesE_total
is an array that contains the error after each iteration.misclassification_rate
is an array that contains the misclassification rate after each iterationguesses
is the result from the last iteration, i.e. what the network is guessing for the input datasetX_train
The inner working of the train_nn
function follows this order of actions:
- Initializes necessary variables
- Runs a loop for
iterations. - In each iteration we collect the gradient error matrices for each data point. Start by initializing
as zero matrices with the same shape asW1
respectively. - Runs a loop over all the data points in
. In each iteration we call backprop to get the gradient error matrices and the output values. - Once we have collected the error gradient matrices for all the data points, we adjust the weights in
, usingW1 = W1 + eta* dE1_total / N
is the number of data points inX_train
(and similarly forW2
). - For the error estimation we'll use the cross-entropy error function.
- When the outer loop finishes, we return from the function
Example inputs and outputs:
Call the function:
K = 3 # number of classes
M = 6
D = train_features.shape[1]
# Initialize two random weight matrices
W1 = 2 * np.random.rand(D + 1, M) - 1
W2 = 2 * np.random.rand(M + 1, K) - 1
W1tr, W2tr, Etotal, misclassification_rate, last_guesses = train_nn(
train_features[:20, :], train_targets[:20], M, K, W1, W2, 500, 0.3)
[[ 0.38483561 -0.76090605 0.65776134 -0.11972904 -0.68585273 -0.6963981 ]
[-1.93490158 5.40360714 -1.49729944 1.59882456 0.18374103 -0.70066333]]
[[-0.27112102 -1.2313577 -1.94162633]
[-0.25543656 -1.25570954 -0.19962407]]
[2.54201424 2.23668767 2.00342554 1.90063241 1.88144908 1.87174812
0.34689913 0.44249507 0.34517052 0.44083018 0.34346007 0.43918565
0.34176746 0.43756094]
[0.7 0.7 0.7 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
0. 0.1 0. 0.1 0. 0.1 0. 0.1 0. 0.1 ]
[0. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 0. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 0. 1. 1. 2. 0. 2. 1. 0.]
guesses = test_nn(X_test, M, K, W1, W2)
: the dataset that we want to test. -
: size of the hidden layer. -
: size of the output layer. -
W1, W2
: fully trained weight matrices, i.e. the results from using thetrain_nn
function. -
: the classification for all the data points in the test setXtest
. This should be a$(1\times N)$ vector where$N$ is the number of data points inX_test
The function runs through all the data points in X_test
and uses the ffnn
function to guess the classification of each point.