This is a poorly written application, and we're expecting the candidate to greatly improve this code base.
- Consider this to be your project! Feel free to make any changes
- There are several deliberate design, code quality and test issues in the current code, they should be identified and resolved
- Implement the "New Requirements" below
- Keep it mind that code quality is very important
- Focus on testing, and feel free to bring in any testing strategies/frameworks you'd like to implement
- You're welcome to spend as much time as you like, however, we're expecting that this should take no more than 2 hours
- Customer can make a reservation for the movie
- And, system can calculate the ticket fee for customer's reservation
- Theater have a following discount rules
- 20% discount for the special movie
- $3 discount for the movie showing 1st of the day
- $2 discount for the movie showing 2nd of the day
- System can display movie schedule with simple text format
- New discount rules; In addition to current rules
- Any movies showing starting between 11AM ~ 4pm, you'll get 25% discount
- Any movies showing on 7th, you'll get 1$ discount
- The discount amount applied only one if met multiple rules; biggest amount one
- We want to print the movie schedule with simple text & json format
Application runs on port 8080 by default.
- GET /
- GET /get/schedule/text
- GET /get/schedule/json
- POST /reserve/{sequence-id} {"customer":{"id":"John","name":"John"},"howManyTickets":2}
ADMIN API's Add security layer.
- POST /add/movie - TBD
- POST /add/show - TBD