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Turbo Monorepo Release Action

Create release for a Turbo Monorepo for a commit range. It is intended to be used in a workflow that creates a deployment. The action accepts two commits representing a range.

These commits are then filtered down by two criteria:

  1. The commit subject matches the conventional commit format
  2. The commit triggers a change in the workspace as defined by turbo build

They are grouped by type (fix, feat, etc) and a release is created using the GitHub API. The release content is set as action output, so it can be used in subsequent steps.


Name Description Required Default
github-token GitHub token true
workspace Turbo workspace name true
prefix Prefix for release title false ""
from Commit SHA to start from (exclusive) true
to Commit SHA to end at true


Name Description
released If a release was created
release-title Release title
release-body Release description
release-url Release URL to GitHub

Example usage

See a simple example below that illustrates how to use this action. For more advanced examples, see the example-workflows directory.

  - deployment_status
# Release job:
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Deploy
      contents: write
      ${{ startsWith(github.event.deployment.environment, 'production-') &&
      github.event.deployment_status.state == 'success' }}
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Create release
        uses: go-fjords/create-release-from-deployment-action@v1
          # We need the token with write permissions to do git operations and create the release
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # The name of the turbo/pnpm workspace to check for changes
          workspace: my-workspace
          # The prefix is used to create the release title
          prefix: 'My App'
          # Get the start commit for the release (exclusive, not part of the release)
          from: 6b81ece3474de57f7fa070192fa1b88e303acb2a
          # Get the final commit for the release (inclusive, part of the release)
          to: ${{ github.event.deployment.ref }}
      - name: Print release URL
        run: echo ${{ steps.create-release.outputs.release-url }}

Example release body output

The release body is generated from the commit messages in the range.

👷 **build**

- Bump actions/setup-node from 2 to 4 (#12)

📝 **docs**

- Improve documentation (#13)


Node v20 or later is recommended.

npm install
npm run all

You should run the action locally using act. This allows you to test the action in a simulated GitHub workflow before pushing a PR. act requires Docker to be installed.

# List available workflow jobs to run
act -l

# Run the test-action job to run the action locally
act -j test-action -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)"

This will run the action locally using the test-action job defined in the test.yml workflow. If you don't have write access to the original repository, you can fork it and run the action from your fork instead. If you do not, the action will error out when it tries to create the release.


See for information on how to contribute to this project.


See LICENSE for information on the license for this project. In short, this project is licensed under the MIT license.