Command-line program for retrieving bacteriophage genomes from NCBI Virus and metadata. Additionally, adding information from ICTV and information about completeness, sequence length and checking that all genomes are still available on the NCBI Virus website. The program was written in Python 3.8.3.
conda install pandas
conda install -c conda-forge bs4
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 bs4
conda install -c anaconda biopython
conda install -c conda-forge argparse
Download one of the following:
conda install -c conda-forge regex
conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 regex
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 regex
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 regex
pip install shutil
pip install numpy
conda install -c anaconda requests
Before you run the program, go to the website:,%20all%20taxids&Completeness_s=complete On the NCBI website click "Download" at the top. Then select in the column "Accession" -> "Nucleotide". Press "Next" twice. In the third step, select "Accession with version". And then download file with all accessions ids.
Additionally, press "Download" again at the top of the page. Now select the "Current table view result" column and press "CSV format". Press "Next" twice. In the third step, press "Select all" and "Accession with version". Now you can download the metadata files.
Download this repository. If you don't have git downloaded on your virtual machine, please do the following:
sudo apt install git-all
Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
Then clone repository:
git clone
Change the path to the proj_koryl folder
cd proj_koryl
Change the permission to access python file
chmod u+x
To check the arguments you need to run the program, you can type
python -h
'-d', '--directory', help='Enter the path to the database folder'
'-i', '--input', help='Enter the file name in *.acc format. Download from NCBI Virus website'
'-e', '--email', help='NCBI requires your e-mail address every time to know who you are'
'-o', '--output', help='Enter the file name in *.fasta format to retrieve bacteriophage genomes'
'-c','--metadata', help='Enter the metadata file name in *.csv format. Download from NCBI Virus website'
'-t', '--ictv', help='Enter the name of the ICTV file in the *.xlsx format. Download this file from the ICTV website.'
'-g', '--genbank', help='Enter the file name in * .gb format. Genbank records of incomplete genomes will be kept here to check if they are full sequence length'
To run the program, for example, you should enter:
python /path_to_git_repository/proj_koryl/ -d /.../path_to_database/ -i sequences.acc -e [email protected] -c sequences.csv -t ICTV.xlsx -g -o genomes.fasta