Prawn+ is a lightweight Rails Engine that wraps the Prawn PDF generator in order to render PDFs within Rails views. This allows you to build view templates which render PDFs using the Prawn syntax.
Loads the Prawn gem by default (no Gemfile entry necessary).
Registers PDF as a MIME type.
Registers a template handler for rendering “.prawn” template view files.
To install with security, run:
# 💡 Skip this line if you already have the public certificate installed.
gem cert --add <(curl --compressed --location
gem install prawn_plus --trust-policy HighSecurity
To install without security, run:
gem install prawn_plus
You can also add the gem directly to your project:
bundle add prawn_plus
Once the gem is installed, you only need to require it:
require "prawn_plus"
Within your views you can craft Prawn templates using Ruby code. For example, assuming there are document resources, then the following structure might exist:
/views/documents/show.html.slim /views/documents/show.pdf.prawn
The show.html.slim
could have a link to the PDF download. Example:
= link_to "PDF Download", action: "show", id:, format: "pdf"
The show.pdf.prawn
file would contain the Prawn syntax for crafting the PDF. A simple example
might look like this:
pdf.text "Hello, I'm a PDF!"
…which would render the following output:
You could also render a more complex PDF with tabular information, for example:
pdf.text "Metals"
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.font_size = 10
data = [
["Name", "Atomic Number", "Price"],
["Mercury", "80", number_to_currency(10)],
["Platinum", "78", number_to_currency(25)],
["Titanium", "22", number_to_currency(50)]
pdf.table data, header: true, column_widths: [100, 50, 50], row_colors: ["FFFFFF", "E5ECF9"] do
columns(0).align = :left
columns(1..2).align = :right
row(0).text_color = "FFFFFF"
row(0).background_color = "000000"
row(0).columns(0..2).font_style = :bold
row(0).columns(0..2).align = :center
…which would render the following output:
NOTE: The pdf
object must always be referenced when making using of the Prawn syntax - it is
initialized for you as a Prawn::Document instance.
To contribute, run:
git clone
cd prawn_plus
You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects:
Built with Gemsmith.
Engineered by Brooke Kuhlmann.