1.Create account in https://infura.io/
2.Create wallet in https://www.myetherwallet.com/
3.Get ether in http://faucet.ropsten.be:3001/
4.Clone repository.
5.Install nodeJS libraries. Execute "npm install" in folder.
6.Edit configuration file
- ADDRESS_WALLET = Address of wallet create
- PRIVATE_KEY_WALLET = Private key of wallet
- PRIVATE_KEY_INFURA = Private key of infura
"account": "ADDRESS_WALLET",
"port": 8889,
"private": "PRIVATE_KEY_WALLET",
"listenFiles": [
"name": "logTest",
"file": "logTest.js"
"provider_config": "PRIVATE_KEY_INFURA",
"gas": "0x1e8480",
"gasPrice": "0x15",
"path_listen": "../../listen",
"db": "postgresql://root@localhost:26257/blocknap?sslmode=disable"
7.Init server: node index.js
- Install CockroachDB v2.0.6
Create data base blocknap
Execute script create_table_listen_address.sql
URL http://ip_server:port/oracle/v1/add/name_listener/address
Header: Content-Type:application/json
Body (ABI of Smart Contract):
In folder listen copy logTest.js with other name
Modify data method with the logic of listener
on("data", function(log){
console.log("> data log "+JSON.stringify(log));
- Add listener to properties in section listenFiles
"name": "<nameToCallFromManager>",
"file": "<nameNewFileJSOfListener>"
- Restart server