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I stopped working with Oracle Database and unfortunately do not have time to support this project.

SQL*Plus plugin for Sublime Text 3

Ever been annoyed by Oracle SQL*Plus’s lack of text editing features? Love Sublime Text? This plugin is for you.


  • Both input and output are selectable and editable.
  • Commands history.
  • Auto-completion of script filenames in workdir.
  • Syntax highlighting for SQL and PL/SQL included.
  • One tab - one SQL*Plus subprocess. Auto-termination on tab close.
  • Do whatever you would do in SQL*Plus without leaving Sublime Text window.


  • With Package Control: Run Package Control: Install Package command, find and install SQLPlus plugin.
  • Manual: Clone this repo to your Packages folder.
  • Edit SQLPlus.sublime-settings and set path to your SQL*Plus executeable and working directory.
  • (Optional) In a new tab in Sublime Text type prompt Hello World! and hit Ctrl+F8

How it works?

This plugin redirects input and output between Sublime Text and SQL*Plus.


  • "connection_string": "##Sublime{|}##" - this is not the database connection string. DO NOT put your database credentials there. This string is used in a hack to print current connection in the ST status bar. To make it work your SQL*Plus must print the current connection details. With the default setting it should work if you put prompt ##Sublime{&_USER@&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER}## to your login.sql.


  • Ctrl+F8 - execute the selected text or current line (if nothing selected) in SQL*Plus. In case of multiple selections only the first selection is sent to SQL*Plus.
  • Alt+Up - replace selection with previous command in history
  • Alt+Down - replace selection with next command in history


  • Tested only on Windows