What's Changed
- Softwaremill updates by @ex0ns in #359
- Update logback-classic to 1.4.14 by @ex0ns in #365
- ZIO updates by @ex0ns in #366
- ZIO updates by @ex0ns in #367
- Softwaremill updates by @ex0ns in #369
- Update cats-effect to 3.5.3 by @ex0ns in #368
- Softwaremill updates by @ex0ns in #372
- change sendRequestInternal from private to protected by @cobr123 in #380
- Update logback-classic to 1.5.3 by @ex0ns in #379
- Update scala-library to 2.13.13 by @ex0ns in #376
- Update scala-library to 2.12.19 by @ex0ns in #375
- Update scalatest to 3.2.18 by @ex0ns in #371
- ZIO updates by @ex0ns in #374
- chore: upgrade scalafmt and mill by @ex0ns in #382
- release: version 5.8.0 by @ex0ns in #384
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.7.1...v5.8.0