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Security: botblock/JavaBotBlockAPI


Security Policy

Security is important to us.
To make sure that there aren't any vulnerabilities in our library to we ask you to report any issues to us that could affect the security of this library and its connections.

Before sumbitting

Before you submit a bug report or similar to us would we like to ask you to make sure, that you use the latest version.
We can't and won't fix bugs that exist in older versions and aren't present on newer ones.

We support all minor and patch-versions of the latest major version which currently is Version 6 (Last updated: 11th of March 2021).

The latest available version is seen below:

How to report

If your issue is in fact a security-issue/vulnerability would we like to ask you, to report to in our Discord Server directly.
Issues are not the right place to report these kinds of problems as they would allow people to find out about them and use it to their malicious benefit.

If your issue is just a regular bug can you open a normal Bug Report on our Issue tracker.
Please make sure to follow our Contributing Guidelines while doing so.

There aren’t any published security advisories