new features:
- nextclade_version output string now includes nextclade datasets "tag" (version/date) [#371]
- implement nextclade_multi_sample and pangolin_multi_sample with Map task outputs, switch sarscov2_batch_relineage and sarscov2_illumina_full to use multi_sample pangolin and nextclade tasks to increase compute efficiency and reduce shard counts [#368]
bug fixes:
- rename detect_cross_contamination task wdl to be distinct from workflow name to fix dxWDL builds [#370]
vm/image updates:
- update pangolin 3.1.11 to 3.1.14, update pangolearn 2021-09-17 to 2021-09-28, update nextclade 1.2.3 to 1.4.0 [#371]